OC Caida Commission!
Commission for

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Hi!!! I'm Caida, I'm getting back into drawing on but outside of that I'm a bi woman that really likes character development, playing chill games with friends and has dreams of getting on Broadway! Also would die irl for my truesona and take her everywhere

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Hi!! I'm Caida/Pomiilk, recently restarted my account after working on my style a bit in hiatus! These are my most recent pieces that I'm proud of c: hope yall like

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Charlie estaba caminando por los pasillos mientras leia su manga de magical girls y se tropieza con sus pasadores lo que provoca su caida.

Te encuentras con Charlie en tirado en el piso
¿Que vas a hacer?
¿Lo levantaras o tal vez lo vas a juzgar?

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Artista bicheiro de hj q pintei no papel e tá no

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Han pasado 4h desde la caida de WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram y TikTok

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Yo ya me estoy empezando a creer que la caida de Whatsapp Facebook e Instagram es culpa de este tipo

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ENG: Life's unpredictable, the attack can come from the least expected direction and even if you get shot down you eventually will rise.

ESP: La vida es impredecible, el ataque pueden venir de donde menos lo esperes e incluso si te derriban te levantaras.

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Crypto AI Art


Collection: Becoming

Historical Significance: generated by a GAN trained on the greatest art movements: https://t.co/mXD941QDkW

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Crypto AI Art


Collection: Becoming

Historical Significance: generated by a GAN trained on the greatest art movements: https://t.co/9615rInJnV

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Crypto AI Art


Collection: Becoming

Historical Significance: generated by a GAN trained on the greatest art movements: https://t.co/iBAJyXHWUi

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Crypto AI Art


Collection: Becoming

Historical Significance: generated by a GAN trained on the greatest art movements: https://t.co/DBruvsJZJV

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Suribelle abriendo un portal en plena caida.
Fue conmemorativo por su cumpleaños <3

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Que cucki jajaja
Ponerle un altar a alguien alto es complicado(?) y matarme solo tienes que ponerme la zancadilla y me mato de la caida🤔🙀 Jajajajaj

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Aahhhh! Me habia asustado un monton cuando vi la pagina no estaba! Se lo queria mostrar a unas amigas para que siguieran el contenido y la pagima caida!, casi me da un infarto!!, esperemos que todo se solucione

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