-Husbando: Kusakabe (En la misma clase)
-Waifu: Henry (Requiem)
-Morenazo: Catesby (requiem)
-SúperCrush: Dômeki (pájaro que trina no vuela)

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Husbando : Doumeki🧡
Waifu: Anne💜
Morenazo: Catesby💙
Supercrush: Henry❤️❤️

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Husbando: Hara
Waifu: Akira
Morenazo: Catesby
Supercrush: Yashiro

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Husbando: Henry 💛
Waifu: Anne
Morenazo: Catesby
Super crush: Richard 🖤🖤🖤

AMO Requiem of the Rose King, es hermoso! 🖤🖤🖤✨

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Waifu: Anne
Husbando: Henry, es perfecto y tierno ❤
Morenazo: Catesby 🤭
SuperCrush: Richard

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Husbando: Richard
Waifu: Akira Tachibana
Morenazo: Catesby
Supercrush: Henry

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Husbando: Doumeki
Waifu: Richard 😏
Morenazo: Catesby
Súpercrush: Kusakabe

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Born in 1708 Georg Dionysius Ehret. He provided watercolours to Mark Catesby who then etched them for his book 'The natural history of Carolina, Florida & the Bahama Islands,...' publ. 1731-43. More on Catesby in our blog: https://t.co/COwiZ1d2Dy

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Carolina parakeet (now extinct) feeding on American cypress. Illustration from “The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands” by Mark Catesby (1683-1749), published in London between 1729 and 1747. Pic via https://t.co/dj9JD6fH2t

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Merry Christmas!
Hele fijne feestdagen gewenst!

Op tweede kerstdag is het museum geopend en ben je van harte welkom! Kijk hier voor alle activiteiten in de https://t.co/Wia0rBuuPC

Hortus Europae Americanus,
by M. Catesby, 1767

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Carl Linnaeus was a great admirer of George Edwards. He named nearly 350 birds on the basis of material provided by Edwards. But Edwards was also an important link between Linnaeus & Mark Catesby? explains via the painted bunting ➡️ https://t.co/yXkPFBdVnu

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8 Nov 1605 – Robert Catesby, the leader of the Gunpowder Plot is killed in a confrontation with soldiers sent to arrest him – an earlier an attempt to dry out their gunpowder ended in disaster for the conspirators…‘The Explosion at Holbeach’ by Cruikshank, via Wikipedia1840

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Mark Catesby, the subject of our latest blog, illustrated plants & animals in his landmark book "The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands" 1731-43. In the appendix is this chocolate or 'Cacao tree'. Happy Blog: https://t.co/COwiZ1d2Dy

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Nous avons un faible pour le wampum de Mark Catesby, présenté dans l'exposition "Poils et plumes à la bibliothèque"

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Outside the magnolia is beginning to do admire it if you are visiting us! Meanwhile enjoy this beautiful engraving of Magnolia grandiflora by Georg D. Ehret in Mark Catesby's 'The natural history of Carolina, Florida & the Bahama Islands,...' publ. 1731-43.

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Wow~ This gorgeous of the Magnolia altissima is stunning! Also known as the southern this can be found in, "The Natural History of Florida, and the Bahama Islands, 1771" by Mark Catesby and George Edwards from our collection.

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Bird of the Tropics by Catesby Catesby -#Art Print LEARN MORE---> https://t.co/a8OGutg9iS

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Catesby also sent seeds and plants from North America--like this Mayapple--to the nursery owned by Thomas Fairchild. Read more here: https://t.co/reyh5TjzRR via https://t.co/jzf3EMh7ZD via

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Mark Catesby's early 18thc ‘Natural History’, credited with being the first fully-illustrated study of North American and Catesby rejected ‘artistic’ techniques believing they compromised truth, using instead what he called ‘a Flat tho’ exact manner’

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Fun fact: Mark Catesby taught George Edwards how to etch so that he could produce the plates for his "A Natural History of Uncommon Birds" (1743-51). Explore Edwards' work for thanks to : https://t.co/3fp9vnpwOu

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