there are people who still hate catra...
can't relate 🙏🏼

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NSFW warning - Nakie Catra... sorrynotsorry... lol :3

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..........ok so I have a small crush on Catra...what of it

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Hello c'est mon tout premier vrai dessin au digi, et comme je venais de finir la saison 5 de She Ra je ne pouvais pas faire autrement que de dessiner mon bébé Catra...

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That one catra... you know the one👀😳

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this makes me upsetti because this is like the perfect AU (literally AU lol) and sw isnt an abusive pos to catra.... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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what if....catra....but More Cat

7 19

catra... her expressions are top notch but when she looked soFT in the last ep I think my heart burst

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(Please click for full image!) Some fanart of Adora and Catra...finally, they can chillax.

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i've never been shy admitting i love to watch adora and catra fight, but nothing could have prepared me for 'save the cat' the pinnacle fight of their relationship. a fight for adora to save catra....a fight for catra to allow herself to be saved.

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"It's okay if I'm a bit unstable, i've been doing just fine on my own. I don't care if I am in denial, it's a mild syndrome."

At the end i made a painted sketch of Catra...tbh i'm excited for the final season of She Ra :'DDDD

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thinking about how glimmer pictures catra..... look at this and tell me glimmer's straight or something

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Catra...I see Catra soon. Let me see her now please

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(2/2) It was She-Ra - together w/ princesses but the only one with power glow - raising the sword and shouting "For Etheria!" The other princesses' presence made her stronger. The rainbow wave was what finally blasted all Horde tanks (and Catra...) away from the Bright Moon bay.

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