Hey, Clandom Cats! 😸

Guess what? We've reached the one year anniversary of here on the Clandom twitter!
🎉 🎉 🎉

In honor of this awesome achievement—and all your support—we've decided to hold a raffle!

Details are below.
Good luck and thank you, everyone!!

139 898

him and gray wing always seemed closer than than thunder and gray wing

10 54

Thunder's second right-hand-man

10 88

i really didn't like her lmao

11 63

green-eyed shadowsight lover

21 110

i've seen his name so many times but i don't actually know what he does in the story

2 18

number 1 in a new series called "how many times can we reuse the same name?"

6 41

i didn't originally intend for him to be a buff boy but here we are

5 44

the nettle that no one actually knows about

5 53

idk who any of these people are

4 25

idk what she saw in clear sky

13 78