I had no idea was going on, but it was just my luck that I finished this one today, eh 🥴

31 81

Clovember Day 27 - Cold

Not nice, Elm. Pffft!

Collab with ! I did lines, and they did the amazing colours!!! Wahhhh Nemo, your colouring always blows me away, this looks incredible all thanks to you! Thanks for collabing with me again!

40 102

Clovember Day 26 - Holiday

A day off

A day to spend with family

A day to remember to appreciate each other

A holiday

17 52

Clovember Day 24 - Journey

Leaving home

Heading somewhere new

With someone new

Perhaps, a new home

15 61

Clovember Day 23 - Worn

Well worn

A little tired, a little tattered

But we’re perfect as can be

19 67

Clovember Day 22 - Blessed

If I’m blessed, it’s because I have you. You are my blessing.

37 76

Clovember Day 20 - Past

A lucky find sparks wonder, curiosity
Dampened over time by duty and tedium
But it never fully fades
With a little help, you’ll find it again

22 57

Clovember Day 18 - Gloves

“Hope you’re not too tired already, pretty charm.”

24 78

idk if this counts as clovember but it sure counts as me having a Hell of a Time :))

13 96

Clovember Day 16 - Team

Oh hey, it’s team photo day. Group hug, you dorks!

37 118

Clovember Day 15 - Change

Change of clothes
Change of scenery
But the biggest change is not so easily seen

18 47

Clovember Day 14 - Self Care

Sometimes all you need is a blanket and a warm beverage to help you recharge.

19 43

Clovember Day 13 - Serendipity

An unexpected meeting
How could I have known
You are exactly what I needed

17 58

Clovember Day 12 - Orders/Beliefs

Question everything
When the two don't align
You'll find your answer
If only you take the time

39 124

Clovember Day 11 - Nature

“How did you ever leave all these colours behind?”

“I knew I’d be back eventually... didn’t know I’d be bringing someone with me, though.”

16 40

clovember d10 recovery

37 138

Clovember Day 10 - Recovery

The road to recovery is long and difficult... but knowing you're home and safe helps ease the pain.

40 104

Clovember Day 8 - Optimism

Good luck, bad luck. It’s all about perspective.

111 919