Confederate Infantry, 1863 - Art Print LEARN MORE-->>

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The USS Monitor was commissioned in 1862, under the command of Lt. John L. Worden. Within two weeks, she would participate in the first ever naval battle between two ironclad warships, facing off against the confederate ship Virginia at the Battle of Hampton Roads.

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Once it became clear this was the entire confederate force, Canby led the rest of the Ft. Craig garrison to reinforce Roberts. Initially, Canby’s men had the upper hand, including repelling the first and only lancer charge of the war, made by a company of Texas mounted infantry.

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Today marks the 100th anniversary of the passing of Southern Civil War hero Newt Knight, who led a band of more than a hundred guerrilla commandos, mostly Confederate Army deserters and formerly enslaved people, against the Confederate Army from 1863 to 1865. 1/7

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24. Stage Dreams by Melanie Gillman (2019) - a picture book length graphic novel about ladies stealing confederate secrets during the Civil War and falling in love. Art made it feel like a kid's picture book, which isn't a bad thing. Wish it had been a bit deeper/longer.

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Canadian guys flying confederate flags and wearing let's go Brandon shirts

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In September, 1862, Wilder commanded a brigade of 4,000 men at Munfordville, KY, when the town was surrounded by over 22,000 confederates. Wilder refused to surrender for three days until given a tour of the strong confederate lines. He was held prisoner for two months.

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The 15th Amendment gave African American men the right to vote. But within 10 years, former Confederates regained control of southern state governments & used restrictive voter qualifications to keep them from the polls. Learn more in our exhibition .

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The 15th Amendment gave African American men the right to vote. But within 10 years, former Confederates regained control of southern state governments & used restrictive voter qualifications to keep them from the polls. Learn more in now .

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When drawin wrestlers I took existin stuff & flipped it

Like this tag team. A heel & manager. I thought about Big Boss man. BBM was like a prison guard with a confederate patch so I made the heel white trashy and the manager hot black woman.

So i would just go about like that

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But remember, the confederates will always have my blessing... And each other. Always.

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Some of the first urban warfare in Americn history had taken place during the crossing, as U.S. infantry rowed across the river and went house to house clearing out confederate sharpshooters. Much of the town was then flattened by U.S. artillery.

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Herron used his artillery to great effect, disabling most of the confederate guns and using it effectively against rebel attacks. Hearing the sounds of the battle, Blunt ordered his wing to march to the sound, led by the 11th Kansas Volunteer Infantry under Colonel Thomas Ewing.

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Jefferson Davis, former colonel, Senator from Mississippi, and US Secretary of War, as well as the only president of the confederate states of America, died in 1889 in New Orleans, LA. He was 81 years old.

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Just so my non-American followers are aware, the stars n bars is slang for the “confederate flag” which represented The South during the civil war. What was the civil war about? The states right to own slaves. Guess which side was pro-slavery.

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Both sides attacked and counter-attacked, but ultimately the larger U.S. force forced the confederates to withdraw. Kilpatrick then ordered the bridges over Brier Creek burned, helping to protect the flank of General Sherman on his March to the Sea.

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While he was successful in pushing back Marmaduke, Blunt’s advance left his command exposed, isolated from supporting U.S. troops. This prompted further confederate attacks, leading to the much larger Battle of Prairie Grove a week later.

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Flurks by have just been delisted from for having confederate flags as a trait. It's another terrible precedent which shows the hypocrisy of OS and how far from real decentralization we are.

How are BAYC wearing commie hats different from Flurks? Thread/

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Imagine getting triggered by the confederate flag but not blinking an eye for the hammer and sickle.

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When the Army was surrendered to General William T. Sherman by its final commander, Joseph Johnston, on April 26, 1865, it became the last major field command of the confederate army to surrender.

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