Congrats, you've outed yourself as a dumbass!
- Being trans isn't a sexuality
- Being gay/bi doesn't have to be sexual, it can be in terms of platonic affection
- The average abuser is radically more likely to be a priest or conservative politician than a member of the LGBTQ

0 0

The evil snake (fascist conservatives 👿) want to hurt the innocent small wolf! (not giving hormonal drugs to a minor and mutilate their genitals)

Protect the little wolfs! (ruin their health for life)

240 4323

Whenever I see a conservative posting shitty takes or overall being an asshole I think of this image of Stan Smith from American Dad and imagine their posts being made by him

8 28

Hello Twitter conservatives. What fo you think of this man?

16 275

Not sure if she is a conservative or a communist.

0 6

Conservatives will unironically make the same arguments leftists do for gun control with no self awareness when it comes to living breathing organisms

0 6

NO, I'm not happy. THIS is the problem!
You try to position yourself as a "centrist" but one look at your profile shows me that you retweet content from conservative YouTubers and TERF-shit.
You are at best a conservative, masquerading as neutral!
You are the meme!

4 15

A future with 10^54 lives:
This assumes humanity expands into the Milky Way but is limited by a conservative 2x10^19 lives per star 'carrying capacity'.

1 34

House Demon 0610: "Queer Sapping" Thumb Tack

Subject appears to be a large sentient "thumb tack" that talks about its husband a lot. Has no malicious intent, but if you step on it in the middle of the night, it turns you into a cis white conservative Christian male with opinions

2 3

So it looks like “be gay do crime” is making the rounds and the are conservatives pissed so retweet to spread it more 🥰

995 2845

The Carlists were a conservative monarchist faction within the Nationalist camp, recognisable by their red berets and the Cross of Burgundy flags (both of which featured heavily in Nationalist propaganda).

11 110

22,400,000,000,000 gallons of water is a fairly conservative approximation of what will fall over the state of California over the next 15 days. That's 22 Trillion , 400 billion gallons! Too bad it cant all be caught and stored.

522 2066

Thread of conservative memes fixed with this weird ass NFT

1 11

First, let's review some concepts:

1. The Earth is 4,500M years old.
2. The universe is 13.700M years old.
3. According to conservative estimates, there are 100 Earth-like planets in the observable universe for every grain of sand on Earth. Wow!

2 12

its so funny how comparatively conservative i initially drew him but now hes

0 7

Every conservative accusation is a confession.

965 3700

people that purposefully make characters unpleasant to look at or exaggerate certain features because they see it as the only way to draw a poc or someone with a disability. it doesnt fall far from when conservatives draw racist / ableist caricatures

217 5872

Disney TV animation always just follows whatever the latest trend is - they've conservatives, not innovators. When wacky cartoony animation was considered trendy, they did that. When "Retro Flat" was in, they did that. When Adventure Time & Gumball set the tone for the 2010s...

0 19