so i watched n0rtist's video on convergent evolution Pokemon and i noticed we both had the same idea for what we think a Wiglett evolution should have been, lmao

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Convergent magikarp based one the mudskipper
And convergent gyarados based on the northern snakehead

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introducing the first convergent species in Pokemon Courage and Wisdom, Lamper and Magmund!
they are convergents of Yamper and Boltund and are Fire Types

1 1

Bats and dolphins evolved echolocation in the same way (down to the molecular level). An analysis revealed that 200 genes had independently changed in the same way and this is an extreme example of convergent evolution

[read more:]

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I made some convergent evolution Pokémon lines

[ ]

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Mega GENJAR (Dark/Fighting)
Made a mega evolution for GENJAR my convergent form of GENGAR

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convergent Snom (with mustache!) and Frosmoth, based on nudibranchs and sea angels

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New and convergent species of Magcargo for the Yugambeh Region.

Mosscargo: Grass

Mosscargo a very slow and weigh a lot, due to the moss comprising their body being abundant and compact.

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I introduced you to Ubellite (Grass/Psychic)
A Convergent Mon that resembles Vanillite but is actually based on Ube (Purple Yam)

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Ubellite (Grass/Psychic Type) - This is a convergent mon that resembles Vanillite. Instead of being made of ice, this Pokemon is based on Ube (a purple yam found in the Philippines that is used in many Filipino desserts including ice cream)

(Posted by ThamesRamz4ever: …

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That time my predicted a convergent species back in 2020
Coincidence? Humm...

6 62

New and Convergent Slugma for the Yugambeh region

Slugmoss: Grass

Slugmoss normally travel up north every summer to take in the sun at it's best.

They fertilise the land wherever they travel, some use their bodies after they pass as fertiliser.

5 18

I've gained a lot of new followers thanks to the tag, so as a thank you

a little sneakus peekus of a new convergent and a new regional line

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They should continue giving us more convergent species Pokemon in the future games, what a great concept tbh

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Made some of a regional paras, convergent bronzong dalek mon, glofish, and a rocket penguin

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Ponygon's shiny colors are a spitting image of Porygon's shiny colors!

I wanted the blue screen of death or the Pikachu virus, but stuck to the palettes used for convergent evos (mainly Wigglet).

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YESSSS i was hoping for some convergent mons!!! These are so cuuuute aaaaaa I love autumn mooooons

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bug convergent magnemite!!!

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Some Experts are still speculating over a different beast, that prevails in the deepest moutains. the resemblance with Airodactyl still confuse many (and myself included )

Icydacyl , Convergent form

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