Babu! Abis coop bilang apa? GG gaming👍

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genshinmoots berteman yuk sama clorinde yang offwork version? ^^ minor & homophobic jangan interact ya. prefer yang bisa diajakin coop & bisa bantu sender soalnya sender pemula :D terimakasih! ah ya.. sender juga mau ngadain party ultah neuvie di wl senderr <3

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Hey, I'm looking for kawanbabu ! I'm 24+ and goes by she/her. I love Aether and I'm looking for coop friends in Europe Server as I'm still in AR 42 and i need sepuh players to help me. Minor, basic and homophobic DNI ya!!

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looking for kawanbabu. i go by she/her and legal age. alhaitham main ar 60. suka coop. sering bahas genshin kdng juga bahas random. homophbc, mdni. kaveh stan get your fp.

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sender ada niatan buat bikin gdm kawanbabu karna sender sejujurnya susah buat cari temen sesama genshintwt atau temen main bareng atau coop, ada yg berniat buat join? nanti sender invite

0 23

Tehe! Im looking for interactive kawanbabu to fill up my tl! Kazuha main dan legal use he/they for pronouns, i like coop a lot so maybe we can coop together, rep saja nanti aku samperin. Anemo boys simp and kazuscara stan get freepass.

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hi! I'm looking for kawanbabu to be my mutuals and interacts with. I go by any pronoun, legal age, and i play other games (reverse 1999 and hsr). Also i like to do coop and random things, also like Tartali, Kavehtham and Wriolette. Leave a trace and I’ll hit you up. (cont..)

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babu! sender niatnya mau buat gdm/dc untuk kita coop dan ngobrol bareng, kalian ada yang berminat masuk gak? kalau iya mending gdm apa dc nih? 🤔

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kawanbabu ada yg mau berkawan? Pronouns tebak sendiri, legal, tapi akun sender aman buat semua umur. Yg suka jbjb nanti aku ksh permen. Sender suka coop dan hype hsr jg jadi kalo mau mabar blg aja aku ga gigit kok. Dni : basic criteria dan ava kaveh /j. Drop ur (cont..)

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Lagi mencari genshinmoots i go by He/Him, legal, ar 56 Alhaitham & Ayato main. Basic dni, -16 dni akunku enggak safe for minor, homophobic dni. Suka coop tapi tengah malem only wkwk, lagi ngekos di gilded. Oh akunku unlabeled ya, leave your best trace.

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babu! apa cuma sender yang tiap pake xiao berasa jadi orang paling cool sedunia? 😎
apa lagi kalo coop

1 25

Good night everynyan! i'm looking for new kawanbabu nihh buat ngobrol ngobrol tentang genshin, atau sekalian coop juga heheheh. I go by shE/HERRR and I'm number#.01 fan of Raiden Shogun!!! Ayoo jadi temenkuuuU yang mau ketik 1 yaa I'll hit u up!

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Greetings. This Wriothesley main looking for new kawanbabu. I go by he/him and legal age. Also, I need coop friends to do daily/daires or just having some fun together.
Leave a trace if you’re interested and I’ll hit you up. Minor and homophobes kindly dni

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Haloo, aku mencari kawanbabu dan yang mau diajak coop bareng.
I go by he/him. AR58 dan Ayaka, furina (soon) main
Selain GI aku juga main HSR dan ML
Aku nerima semua akun, jadi yang mau berkawan rep aja ya! makasih!

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halo, sender lagi cari kawanbabu yang suka jbjb. Wanderer main, ga sering on GI sebenarnya tapi kalo mau coop pasti aku usahain kok, homophobic dni. kazuscara, albexiao, haikaveh shipper get your fp!

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looking for kawanbabu. yg suka coop blh moots w me. alhaitham main ar 60. she/her ava childe, homophobic dni. kaveh main get your fp. /j

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greetings, fellow travelers. just started anew and i’m seeking for more kawanbabu to enliven my dead timeline and possible coop friends in the future! i go by she/her pronoun and an adult, jadi minors and homophobic dni dulu ya? drop your TMI and i’ll come by. :]

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1 29

hi, traveler! looking for kawanbabu. i'm on my legal age. hydro main and neuvillette cons wanter. currently saving for mommy ei. also likes to coop and tweet random things. homophobic and minor dni dulu ya. leave a trace and i'll hit u up.

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babu! mau cari teman yang banyak dan yang suka coop genshin. using him as my pfp and i'm on legal age. i go by he/they, pecinta cewe genshin, dan im okay with minor. basic dni criteria. angkat tangan yang mau berteman sama manusia pecinta kucing.

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