Meike Schultchen – für ihre Coverillustration von COZMIC Vol.02 mit dem Kurd Laßwitz-Preis ausgezeichnet – schließt in der neuen Ausgabe von COZMIC ihre Erzählung "Kosmische Labyrinthe" ab.

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my cover for new issue of Anarcho-Syndicalist Review Winter 2021, Philadelphia

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Cover illustration I did last year. The book is available on Amazon. MIMESIS is a YA romance book by Eric Sipple.

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It seems like even has gotten political. Keep candy Non-Partisan!! Check out more outside-the-box thinking by star on our website :

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[Book 1] Becoming the Paladin 🧙‍♀️🪄

Author: Roland Carlson
Illustrator & Design by me

Another fantasy series that I have opppurtinity to work on the covers😀

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Delighted to share the cover art I illustrated for 's upcoming MG debut - MANATEE SUMMER. I loved working on this. Cover design by Laura Mock. Publishes with June 2022. 📚🌊

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my new *and favorite* book cover illustration 🌿 моя новая *и уже любимая* иллюстрация для книжной обложки 🌿

~помогают ли вообще хэштеги?

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浄土宗の「季刊 かるな」秋号の表紙イラストを担当しました。


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Aurtengo GAKOAK urtekariaren azala egiteko aukera izan dut! Aldizkari berezi hau gai bakarraren bueltan ardaztu da aurten: Burujabetzak.

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