The presence of a holds the unmistakable connotation of The cranial sutures suggest the loss of, both, a child and life’s purpose. A void that would later demand fulfillment in the opposite form: to be unsexed in search for

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While it's true there are no known/living reptiles with facial whiskers (unless you count certain birds) there are a number of snakes and legless lizards where the cranial soft tissues substantially elaborate on the snout and lips, & also for sensory purposes.

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Quiero dibujar dos cosas desde hace mucho:
USA contando los dólares ganados por el conflicto de Rusia y Ucrania con la música de "Cuan malo puedo ser?" Y un par de explosiones de fondo.

¿Qué les parece?

Eso o Rusia con juguetes de adolescente a su alrededor siendo feliz.

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A good week for endocasts from the Silcox lab! Newly published paper led by on the relationship between endocranial and brain morphology in squamates.

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Bulos y desinformaciones sobre el ataque de Rusia contra Ucrania; vía

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14 years ago I woke up to find I had an I.V. line in and that I had been rendered unconscious by an assailant. At least that's what the Police suspected at the time. Regardless I now had an active cranial bleed and some fractures in C-6 and C-7 along with a ruptured disk between

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