Illustration of and Jude in by Holly Black for . This (without border) is in the book and also (with border) an art print included with the illustrated box set! 💜
Original was in pastels, pencils, acrylics & watercolours.

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"He will be the destruction of the crown and the ruination of the throne."
-Baphen, The Queen of Nothing, The Folk of the Air

The character isn't mine, he belongs to

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I have read these books for the second time, but the feelings are like the first 😌

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Продолжаю примеряться к Кардану. Однажды я решу, каким его хочу рисовать.

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kinda obsessed w rn this is how I imagined Jude and Taryn

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Jude & Cardan 👑🗡️#thecruelprince

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Stupid crossovers with Jude and Cardan in SpyFamily screenshots because they have the same energy as Anya and Damian 😂

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Just Jude touching Nightfell for the first time. Okay, so this marks my very first The Folk of the Air Series fanart, and it will definitely not be my last😉

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