Forgot about this month's challenge and was in a doodle mood. It is so spooky.

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Time for more entries, this time its 2 in 1, with the dinosauric(?) Kaiaimunu from Africa and the strange alien? cryptid? weirdo? Indrid Cold from USA.

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Been having a lot of fun mixing up art styles for these entries. Here’s a late Dover Demon, caught in the wintry northeastern night by a trail cam. And the Van Meter Visitor, leaving its cave and flying in the night sky above a crowded city street.

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"he gets so grouchy when he hasn't had his nap"

A weird bear, goat, hybrid thing that was fun to draw. I see that I'm on some sort of trend with this prompt and it involves hybrids and dinosaurs.

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From the Gobi desert. Blood red and spends most of its time underground. Spits acid for fun on the weekends. Filled to the brim with Koolaid.

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Day 11: The Mongolian Death Worm is the world's biggest fan of the hit 1990's classic "Tremors."

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"Didn't I see this in a film once?"

I didn't really enjoy this one, this one didn't come out as striking or interesting to me as much as I hoped. Maybe i could have come up with something better for this cryptid, but nothing came to mind.

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"I think the otters are sick"

I enjoyed the coloring on this one even though its a simple pallet it was fun getting that aquatic look.
Tales say its a very aggressive creature I bet its just misunderstood.

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Day 10: The Enfield Horror, the creeping, homunculus-like Aberration who would honestly, probably be my best friend.

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for Day 10 we have the Enfield Monster.
It's come to my understanding that there was also a haunting incident called the Enfield Poltergeist... so I mixed the two together :)

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A nice peaceful walk through the forest revealed to me the most charming chap. Enfield Horror

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Day 10 of Cryptids in July, the Enfield Horror, wasn't really sure how to draw this one. I just took it from a reference. Speaking of which, how is a cryptid like this can be alive?

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Making up for the two days I lost in
Dover Demon and the Van Meter Visitor.

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The Grey Man of Ben Macdui. He's a big g(r)ay man

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