Borg agrees to let the Dorvack team evacuate any civilians and we get some cameos by those early model Powered Armors that died en masse at the beginning of the series.

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Y con ustedes.....Monsieur Papillon (Señor Polilla)

Alitas pa los cuates

O Mariposon por mi parte

Actitud sarcástica y carismática, suele ser burlón con otros, tanto héroes y villanos

Una diva en su esplendor

14 50

WARNING, subject 934 has gone volatile. All TCF personnel, evacuate universe 23_E while Agent Derp observes.

5 35

【UTAU】The vocal synth of the hour is Minorine Towano.
Towano is a singing Karakuri puppet. She stays in a house in the forest, cleaning and waiting for the house’s inhabitants who evacuated due to a war, as well as her beloved who left for the army, though they’ll never return.

0 10

The Battle of Smolensk, 16 to 18 August 1812.

Seeing that they were in a hopeless situation, during 3rd night the Russian army evacuated the burning city & continued their retreat east.

(By Pyotr Ivanovich Zhigimont)

14 113

Purge me and evacuate
The venom and the fear that binds me

14 52

Prepare to evacuate your soul. 📸
Enjoy your weekend, OE Fam.

22 88

Matemáticas para el diseño, Física para el diseño, y Fotografía

Qué diablos es un cuaternion? :,v

0 2

hi!! unsure abt my prices but
headshots are 250, halfbodies are 500 !! idk how to calcuate in rhd, let alone even lvl 75 but still grinding haha :,3

0 0

【UTAU】The vocal synth of the hour is Minorine Towano.
Towano is a singing Karakuri puppet. She stays in a house in the forest, cleaning and waiting for the house’s inhabitants who evacuated due to a war, as well as her beloved who left for the army, though they’ll never return.

0 5

Meet Fume, an elite rescuer!
Do you know who has to evacuate cities from insane fights? That's right, that's her job. She is a bit "Goth Tomboy", although she is very social and expressive.
She is not one of those super warriors, however, she is quite skilled.

19 148

Welp first time deciding to evacuate my house on my own due to the AC system being broke and the house is 95 degrees inside. The repairman was useless and didnt fix jack, and checking into a random hotel abruptly.
First week of being 24 and things are getting wild.

2 41

Bueno. Un cuate me pidió que intente hacer un Sergal (el que no sepa que es, googleelo) y yo que lo hago. Ta difícil dibujar la cabeza Nmms XD

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Earth is a polluted wasteland beyond recovery. We did it and we're ashamed of it, I am.
In time, we made contact with aliens out there, and when they came, they evacuated the cetacean and other sentient species, but not us.
Humans were not worth being rescued, I got it.

5 21

【UTAU】The vocal synth of the hour is Minorine Towano.
Towano is a singing Karakuri puppet. She stays in a house in the forest, cleaning and waiting for the house’s inhabitants who evacuated due to a war, as well as her beloved who left for the army, though they’ll never return.

0 10

Let's Set The Record Straight, Russia Invaded The Donbass, & Annexed The Crimea, to Prevent Ukraine From Joining NATO. Similarly Russia Attached/Invaded Georgia & Chechnya. Also Russia Has Thousands of Troops Stationed in Moldova. Why hasn't Russia Evacuated The Local Populous?

2 3

Un Raphael (Rafita para los cuates) para empezar el dia, el arcangel de la justicia te juzga por jugar gachas.

0 1

Finalmente, El Mati versión furry

Contexto: le dije a unos cuates que cuál sería mi fursona, y por euno (el único) salto con q sería un erizo de mar, primero me cagué de risa y luego hice esto... Ta Kawaii

4 20

We are sorry to inform you Dear Tl-l Mary Beth that there are not millions of ships ready to evacuate all Earth Humans.

There ARE some very large ships prepared to help all of Earth, but please remember, Kwh are not the only indigenous species Star Nations are here to help.


12 54

The king of podcast 2022.

Continuamos esta serie de ilustraciones con de La liga de los super cuates, como Benimaru Nikaido.


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