
18 327

RepubliKKKans 👉evil will not stand

Destruction…of Democracy….their diabolical —plan

Rigging- the system so for ever more

Their -racism and—misogyny has a way to endure

But the Majority of Americans are Democrats

Who who do not support these RepublicianRATS.

5 6

a thunderstorm in this heat? lawd have mercy…

0 21

with each new nonsense AU version of gwen, marvel really further buries the history and genuinely unique spitfire personality of the original gwen stacy… this shit is so sad

2 11

“her excellency… what is she trying to communicate?”

30 146

I really want to draw my lgbtq 🏳️‍🌈 love story between Alice & Lucy…

But I also want to draw my creepy horror/thriller 😨 comic….

And I also want to draw my cute little romance story 😍 I rough planned 2 years ago…

And also smut….🥵

Too many choices. Brain can’t cope. 🤯

2 25

Please tell me i’m not the only mistake this as Tracy… i thought it was Tracy man 😭😭😭😭

2 28

Zoomed in pic of my work in progress..
I’m currently creating 3 Fractal Friends at the same time now to increase my efficiency…
Maybe I’ll share those soon too.. 😘

15 48


6 36

The VA of Rainbow Dash voicing Tails…

It was all a prophecy…

2 24

The leather coat is so spicy…

0 18