The Creeps & Weirdo's 2017 Collection , public sales begins today!

I've added 2 more to my collection, this time from their 2019 contract.

CyberWar & Faceless Woman

0 7

I've played a lot of Orcs in my time, but none with such fabulous hand and footwear!

Picked up a DFT Dungeon today! Super dope concept and awesome art!

Gives me a lot of inspiration for stuff I wanna make! Maybe some of my Cyberwilds Cyberware into NFTs? 🤔


3 10

Not What I Was - Page 100!

Don't you hate when your cyberware tries reacting to words in a conversation without asking you first?

I'll be honest, this was one of those "the art looked better when I drew it" pages

1 5

headcanon with my friend… if Phobos gets cyberware

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