Guys please give me headcanons to draw I’m fresh out of them and I’m going to have to resort to posting my 🤢 original 🤢🤢 non-Daganronpa art 🤢🤮

0 3

Here's a new picture from me to celebrate getting 1,000 Watchers on Deviantart, featuring Sae Niijima (Persona), Cerebella (Skullgirls), Aoi Asahina (Daganronpa), and Cynthia (Pokemon) with afros! Based off of the previous picture I did when I reached 500 Watchers.

1 8


Indagando en la región podremos encontrar restos de civilizaciones antiguas😱

🤔¿Alguien entiende el mensaje del mural?🤔

¿Tendrá doble sentido? ¡Dejadlo en comentarios! 🗨️

¡Dadle amorcete y el miércoles habrá más!🔄♥️🗨️

55 351

Goood night everyonee 🐯!
Udah malem nih jangan bedagang yaa~💅🏻🤡

1 49

Mikan Daganronpa what are you doing in my portfolio

0 2

ruggie - horca

sama, dia juga temenan sm vida dan placer dr kecil. ngerasain idup gaenak, tikus pun rela dia makan demi bertahan hidup. tp dia masih lebih sane ketimbang vida, dan di ending pun dia memanfaatkan skill nego dan dagangnya buat bertahan hidup

jd keknya ruggie bisa

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My bookmarks are running low of Daganronpa headcanons to draw…

0 6

In the middle east Red Hulk and Machine man are finding out the origins of the mysterious Dagan Shah. This Sultan must be brought down and his oppression brought to an end, but that will not be easy. Stay tuned folks

6 34

😍 DAGAN!! get one. (or 6 like me hehe i can’t stop)

when you have a few mins read their genesis story:

& then mems voyage one: 😁

& then mems voyage part two:

it’s a whole incredible vibe. so special.

0 10

If some of the gang missed it! 👑
👇Below you can find Rarity 👇
And below you can use to purchase multiple🧹
Floors looking thin👀 Below 200-0.01
Some ya'll been busy🚀
3 Kodas to 3 x Winners!🙌

67 101

SOLD for 0.33 ETH🚀

8 43