Day 7 is the third in-game day.
This is the day where Alma finally makes her new debut since the prototype (Dorothy appeared in the Prologue briefly). Sadly, her having two mechanical hands doesn't provide her with Hell and Heaven perks.

98 573

Gillian running away from Helmet Dana

110 508

Main story DAY1! There were various things. It was hard, but I think it was good. Sei was an angel-like visitor.

91 506

Day 5 and the last day of Prologue.
Less dogs this day, we won't see a dog for a while but we'll see Deal and Betty again sooner than that!
❤️ for no more dogs😁
🔁 for no more dogs😔
Comment to tell Dana it'll all be daijobu.

84 563

Day 4 and Prologue Day 2!
Today we meet Betty and MORE dogs.
Prologue was released in 2014 a couple of months after the original Cyberpunk Jam prototype and we hoped it would tide people over until the game finally released... 2 years later.

80 616

started two days ago but we're starting it ourselves now!
If you press the + button on the title screen you can find both the Prologue days and the Anna Demo.
Today we celebrate the first Prologue day where we meet Deal and a lot of dogs.
A LOT of dogs.

162 825


121 454


92 371


33 186


155 577


144 566


250 828


82 453