Meanwhile, Jaemin just continued to manipulate and provoke Soohyun by using Daon.

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He gave his ring to Daon which is too big for him. It is Soohyun's ring on his index finger and that symbolizes power, pride, and ego so giving it to someone means letting go of those qualities. The unfit size symbolizes that no love is perfect at the start.

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When he returned to Korea, he became very harsh to Daon—physically and mentally hurting him. This is very ironic because he is the one hurting the person he is supposed to protect and claimed to love. He was always on edge because he was afraid to lose Daon.

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Some kind of incident happened that made Soohyun go to America. Soohyun asked Jaemin a favor to look after Daon while he was away but Jaemin just ended up provoking him.

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Soohyun became violent resulting in Daon being hurt. He also asked Daon if Jaemin told him to do that but Daon denied it and made it clear that it was Jaemin whom he likes. This is when Soohyun realized that he will lose Daon so he finally accepted Jaemin's proposal.

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After Daon completely ignored Soohyun, he suddenly wanted to meet again. When they met, it was only to return the perfume Soohyun gave him and tell him that they have no relationship. Soohyun asked if Daon regrets everything they did to which Daon said yes.

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All of a sudden, without a single explanation, Daon ignored Soohyun. Daon left Soohyun hanging. And that's when Jaemin reached out to Soohyun to propose his plan of pretend dating to which Soohyun declined.

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Daon was confused about his relationship with Soohyun. He ran into Jaemin and wanted to share his feelings with him but before he could talk, Jaemin brought up the important thing he was going to tell him and it's that he likes Soohyun which crashed Daon's world apart.

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One day, Daon tried on Soohyun's perfume and then went to class. Jaemin smelled it and upon knowing that it was Soohyun's, he discouraged Daon telling him it doesn't suit him. He also informed him that he has something important to tell him.

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Soohyun was frequently lowkey saying that they should date. He really likes Daon, but he was downhearted by the way Daon looks at Jaemin thinking that the person who Daon likes is Jaemin. Despite that, he remained at Daon's side.

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Not only that but Soohyun became Daon's safe haven. With Soohyun, he felt carefree and at ease.

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It is only with Soohyun that Daon can express his different emotions and can talk back at him. It's only around Soohyun where he can really be himself, without feeling inferior.

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They basically are best friends—always together, teasing each other, being happy genuinely. They even kissed. They already have a mutual understanding without them knowing, or maybe only Daon hasn't realized this.

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Daon always eats and studies alone and so Soohyun stayed with him so Daon won't be alone.

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He wants to introduce Daon to his family and friends. He never felt once ashamed of him.

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He accepts Daon for who he is and embraced his flaws despite being of different status. He didn't take it against him nor took advantage of his weakness.

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He was never disgusted to be dirtied by him and assured him that everything was fine so he won't feel insecure. And when he invited Daon somewhere and Daon said no, Soohyun told him that he doesn't need to explain himself. He always gives Daon assurances.

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Despite knowing that Daon is poor, Soohyun never looked down on him and even made efforts to provide him his needs such as food, offer clothes, and do his notes.

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When Soohyun first met Daon, he called him sick-looking and old-fashioned yet he can't take his eyes off him. He was already fond of him from the start.

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Daon is so small it's like he's hanging on Sunghyeon's neck 😙🐿️

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