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"Sakura confia que Naruto um dia se tornará o Hokage e está disposta a proteger esse sonho. Naruto sempre gostou de Sakura, e ela o protege agora para retribuir-lhe esse sentimento."
- Kishimoto (Databook 4).
Misconception that "Absolute Zero" is Rukia's Bankai Ability. It's a Shikai ability.... We need a databook Kubo. Pls.
• databook 2: "o que move Sakura é a convicção de se tornar A MAIS FORTE das kunoichis."
📅Calendrier de Février📅
Personnage demander par @SharnalkRyusei
Dans le Databook officiel, son nom est "Syarnorkl".
Dans le deuxième sondage de popularité des personnages d'Hunter x Hunter, Sharnalk a pris la 17e place avec 84 votes.
Dans le troisième sondage de popularité
(fase inicial de Naruto Shippuden) -
(Fontes do Terceiro Databook de Naruto)
Manga vs Anime
This is another filler that I’ll never understand. Sakura’s known about Sasuke’s “darkness” since the chunnin exams. It’s been stated in the Databooks and manga that she was the first to see it, so what’s up with SP having her say it was Naruto who noticed first?
Hinata Hyūga (Shippuden) 🤍✨🍃
Pontuação Geral - 21.5
Ninjutsu - 3.0
Taijutsu - 3.5
Genjutsu - 2.5
Inteligência - 3.5
Força - 1.5
Agilidade - 2.5
Estamina - 2.0
Selos Manuais - 3.0
Hinata é o sinônimo de PERFEIÇÃO 🤍
*Pontuação referente ao 3° Databook
"The only one who filled his lonely existence with the emotion called love was Sakura." -Databook 2, Sasuke's profile.
Despite being so popular and loved by the other kunoichis, Sakura was the only one who was able to reach and move Sasuke's heart ❤️
Kishimoto-sensei pernah berkata pada sebuah QnA yang dimuat dalam Sha no Sho (Databook III) bahwa, "Jika pengguna Sharingan dan pengguna Byakugan menikah lalu memiliki keturunan, Maka keturunan mereka akan memiliki satu Byakugan dan satu Sharingan."
Pada awalnya, Naruto didesain memiliki tinggi badan terpendek dari teman-teman seangkatannya, yaitu hanya 145 cm saja, bahkan lebih pendek dari Sakura dan Hinata yang masing-masing memiliki tinggi badan ± 148 & 147 cm (Databook I).
⚓️ #OnePieceQuiz⚓️
Terminons la semaine et ce premier quiz avec une question 8⃣ spéciale Ace :
▶️Décrivez précisément le tatouage d’Ace.
▶️Est-il placé sur son épaule gauche ou droite ?
▶️Quelle est la signification de l’élément barré ? (Théorie confirmée par le databook Green)
Tenten supporting the other members of Team Gai
(Tenten's 4th databook entry says that Tenten likes to research and to take care of others, and that she frequently worries about Gai in particular)
11/20 World Trigger Vols. 1-22
11/20 World Trigger Official Databook BORDER BRIEFING FILE
11/24 Kemono Jihen Vols. 1-11
I have tried for the longest time ever to find the artist that draw the Sasuke picture on the left. This is from the last databook (the first time Kishi draw Kakashi's real face book) so it has to be someone famous. I think it might be Takeshi Obata as his style is similar but+
Chiyo talking about Sakura she selflessly tired to risked her life for an old women like her, Sakura who have a man's courage, who will coming to surpass her master. In tsunade databook by kishimoto, he called Sakura "tsunade successor".
Sasuke uchiha databook 1.
"Sakura willingly and bravely calms the rampaging Sasuke under the influence of the cursed seal. Sakura's heart, thinking of Sasuke, devours the wicked power"( Kishimoto)
This is the only one that doesn't seem to have a super good scan of it online. The one on the left seems more accurate to the colors in the databook, but its pretty low res. The one on the right is higher res but not as accurate color-wise it seems.
【8月20日 - Dr.神谷の誕生日】It's Dr. B-day 🎂
"A good surgeon w/ no professional ethics, always dreamed of chopping up ppl. His father, hospital's director, secretly handle an injury case he committed when was a student. Wants to kill him someday" (databook, 2005)