It’s not exactly what I set out to do, but I think it came out looking pretty cool either way

4 27

My submission for the 5th is done!
Nothing strange here

566 3412

"You can't hurt me, Zeke.”
I have a much more traditional in the making, but for now I saw a prime opportunity, and couldn't miss it! (Though it turned into a MGR reference 💀)
And yeah... I couldn't resist throwing in the QTE.

7 8

This is taking forever to finish because I can't figure out compositing so here's this

0 1

whooey that took much out of me but GODDAMN it was still fun for the

0 1

I make my debut with this piece. Not much, but I think it looks good enough.

10 63

Vegeta hit him with that instant tummy tuck fr ‼️ shout out once again to and the DBRedraw Crew for these regular challenges/community events. I’m sure it’s tough to keep track of them all but there’s surely been a lot of amazing entries since the restart.…

27 139

Es mi primer dibujo intentando algo más arriesgado y puede que tenga algún que otro error, pero a fin de cuentas estoy más que satisfecho por este dibujo, seguiré mejorando y trayendo más y mejores.

47 245

My entry for Round 5 of the DB Redraw! (Thank you those of you that voted in the poll!)

35 195

Hice este dibujo para el
Son Vegeta y Goku de DBM con sus transformaciones "Ultimate" (o como yo me imagino que se ven). Intenté hacerlo estilo Toriyama, tanto en el dibujo como en el coloreado. Me inspiré en para darle ese toque de "tradicional" al papel.

20 142

-The Ultimate Lifeforms Power-

"You pressed the Sonic button"
"The what?"
"You shouldn't have did that"

8 56

Ya shouldn’ta did that.

62 600



24 138

I decided to not do my usual coloring cause I have a very busy schedule and wouldn't have made it. So here's my experimental art piece

0 3

"You think you're the only one who can manage that little trick?"

15 75