L'opera che vedete si intitola "Mercato a Minho", ed è stata realizzata nel 1915 dall'artista ucraina (Соня Терк / Sonja Terk) che, insieme al marito Robert, diete nuova vita all'arte astratta.
Era solita dire «il colore è la pelle di questo nostro mondo».

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Sonia Delaunay est une artiste d'origine ukrainienne qui s'est intéressée à la peinture abstraite. Son Oeuvre est caractérisée par la recherche du mouvement et de la couleur pure. Elle conçoit des peintures, mais aussi des affiches, des vêtements ou encore des objets quotidiens.

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Another way of filling Delaunay subdivisions: triangular hatches.
(Enlarge to see it...)

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Prose of the Trans-Siberian and of Little Jehanne of France, 1913

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Revisiting my old friend Delaunay - always something new to be found at his place...

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When studying different art movements, Juliana Vido became exasperated by the focus on male artists. This was the spur for her series of illustrations honouring female artists in their studios...


Sonia Delaunay • Helen Frankenthaler

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⭐️⭐️Featured Art Of The Week⭐️⭐️

Robert Delaunay, Jug Study
View it: https://t.co/EnZuE2C1gT

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Bon après-midi et prenez soin de vous 🎄☕️🎄

🎨 Robert Delaunay - Les Tours de Laon, 1912

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Prose of the Trans-Siberian and of Little Jehanne of France, 1913

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de 1979 murió la pintora y diseñadora Sonia Delaunay, figura clave de la vanguardia parisiense y de la abstracción que trabajó los contrastes de color y la disolución de la forma a través de la luz. Creadora del Simultaneismo, diseñó ropa, libros, coches, etc...

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Alpha-shapes is a multiscale family of simplicial complexes included in the Delaunay which generalizes convex hull and is useful for topological data analysis and shape reconstruction. https://t.co/jGOB7yh4oN

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