Meet Morgan, my (Half Elf/) Orc Fighter for the start of tomorrow's Mines of Phandelver run

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Bat concepts, featuring extradimensional magic wing pockets and BONES.

I thought I posted this already, but apparently not. Courtesy !

Please enjoy BONES.

24 98

Dragon Grow ⇔Grixis Delver




2 5

before(in The Lost Mine of Phandelver)——————after(in Icewind Dale)

3 11

Legacy League
Dragon Grow

Mono Red Painter ○✖︎✖︎
UG Omni ○○
UWR Delver ○--
Mono Blue Painter ○--
UWr Mentor ✖︎✖︎

TES ○○
Mono Red Stompy ○✖︎○
BR Reanimate ✖︎○○
UWr Mentor ○○
UWr Control ○✖︎✖︎


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Live with the lobby for Delver! Let's have fun with some light dungeoneering!

ttv -> vega_baby

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Tonight, we continue the adventure with - as the crew seeks to parlay (or slay) a dragon!

Tonight (5/12), at 6pm PST // 9pm EST - Jack, Tamalai, Cillian, & Arkady ride for the dragon's lair.

14 56

Kobold time, concept art - a preview. Gaze upon the majesty.


bears responsibility for this.

34 134

From our families to your's, Happy Mother's Day!
There will be no Phandelver today so our players and viewers can enjoy time with their families today. Enjoy the day and we'll see you next week!

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Haven't had much time to draw but finally finished this token of Iarno the Glassstaff, from Lost Mine of Phandelver

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Join us this evening with for another Beast World one-shot!

Tonight (5/5), at 6pm PST // 9pm EST - Tamalai, Jack, Cillian, & Arkady will find adventure and more in the northern land of Oria.

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Old drow wizard and new drow wizard token for the Phandelver dark elf villain Nezznar the Blackspider.

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A sample for those of you wanting a peek into our concept design discussions within Heartleaf Games. We are very professional. Thank you .

Also, the canine key art is going to be *fabulous*.


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Now that I've shown these to my party, I can post them to twitter. Here are the Paddlemeres, my current PC and her family for Lost Mine of Phandelver.

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Once more, we shall join for a Beast World one-shot!

Tonight (4/21), at 6pm Pacific // 9pm EST - come watch Kazora, Juliette, Lorenzo, & Xoola delve into the Dungeon. A level 14 adventure!

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Old and new Spectator token for my upcoming revamped Lost Mine of Phandelver Token Pack

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I draw digital tokens for online games and sell token packs on roll20.

I currently have a goblinoid, kobold, and werebeast token pack and am working on a Lost Mine of Phandelver pack.

4 4

Thank you for the space, Freighter!

I draw digital tokens for online games and sell token packs on roll20.

I currently have a goblinoid, kobold, and werebeast token pack and am working on a Lost Mine of Phandelver pack.

1 2

Also did "page BG" for the rest of the Phandelver family I was commissioned, ONE TO GO. So here they are. I'm late to but this is what I dream working on: characters (or creatures), fantasy book illustrations and the like.

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