A Random Alphabet full of Illustrators.
R is for Alexandre de Riquer (1856-1920) a Catalan poster designer. He said: "Posters! Why, ever since I saw the first of the new posters the thing tempted me so strongly that I offered to do tradesmen's posters here for nothing."

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A Random Alphabet full of Illustrators.
R is for Alexandre de Riquer (1856-1920) a Catalan poster designer. He said: "Posters! Why, ever since I saw the first of the new posters the thing tempted me so strongly that I offered to do tradesmen's posters here for nothing."

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Não negue ela, você não pode desmentir a Verdade, por que não é mentira.

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❄️Porque el amor se demuestra con hechos🤣
Sigo sosteniendo que el calor es muuuucho mejor q el frío! Alguien se atreve a desmentirlo??? O se suman a mi equipo🔥
Encontrá el hashtag desubicado:

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Celos, cansancio, inseguridades, miedo… pero sin duda felicidad desmedida https://t.co/NSq06pUvYO

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Os Irmãos Mario Bros.

Mas sério, que essa companhia "M Brothers" aí ajude a desmentir esse engano comum aqui no Brasil.

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Celos, cansancio, inseguridades, miedo… pero sin duda felicidad desmedida https://t.co/NSq06pUvYO

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Sin desmeritar el original, acá esta el que hice el año pasado UvU. Y que bueno, re hice con gusto porque la verdad veía que le hacía falta jsjjs✨

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|| JJBA OCs || (1/2)

Happy Mother day, Rebecca ! 🤍
From her kids, Luna, Jordan and Jolyne.

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~Happy motheeer day ~

I just wanted to draw Venat because she's the beeest gurl ❤️🙏
I'm not late, I'm just French o3o

❤️Bonne fêtes des mères❤️

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Joyeuse à toutes les mamans !

✨Shop --> https://t.co/L9XaLGXQuX

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Bonne Fête des Mères à toutes les mamans et surtout à la mienne

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Une bonne fête à toutes les mamans!!!#MothersDay Philippe Mercier (Berlin 1689-1760 Londres) La Leçon Biblique ou L'instruction Maternelle

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Vc ñ é obrigada à aguentar um fdp desse, que desmerece seu trabalho e seu tempo, pq pra ele, vale mais ele divulgar da pior forma o trampo dele!

Sempre que possível, tenha seus mods por perto e senta o dedo no Block pq vc não é obrigada!

Sinta-se abraçada! 💖✨

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When a skilled tradesmen wonders into your necromantic lair, you could enslave them... But having a Butcher on staff can raise the quality of your zombies from shambling fools, to vicious ghouls

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Coucou tout le monde ! La fête des mères est proche et j'ai penser vous proposer un petit dessin spécial pour cette occasion🥰 Hésitez pas à me contacter l'offre est limiter ! Des bisous ! ❤️

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