gal and her augmented Bytes the now in colours. 😎

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Finished, 完成的, klaar, færdig med, مُنْجَز.

Inks by , pencils by Ardian Syad.

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Think I'm gonna stop here with this one for today - liking the progress so far, but it turns out it's incredibly hard to colour a character you're unfamiliar with... who knew!

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As far as I'm getting tonight as the small people have requested my presence for a film night... 🤣#comiccolouring

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After a week of monitor adjustments and stressing about colour not being right, I think I've fixed my issue... Trying to actually use some different brushes to give texture and depth.

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Art things today: I played with gradients on chameleon number 2 in Inkscape, & played with different tools to try to create a watercolour-like effect on some of the edges. Still a long way to go but some bits worked well.

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Art things: I had a rough attempt at putting some digital colour onto Mr Teapot Swallower from a few days back. Pretty messy but not awful.

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