"Spaniardinos in tercera entrega de la serie "(#Cómics de) españoles por el mundo", en la que repasa las viñetas dinosaurianas que han traspasado las fronteras de

▶️ https://t.co/UiMmOaE3sM

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Ya está aquí la ronda mensual de dinosaurianas, cargada de y
[🎨 Veronica Żukowski, Vova Pristaiko, Joaquín Tobar]


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La cuarta entrega de "Cowboys & Dinos", la serie de en la que se repasan las apariciones dinosaurianas en y en el salvaje oeste, tiene como protagonistas a Marsh y Cope

▶️ https://t.co/WmWIp7na5v

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Un fanart rápido del primer episodio de Dinosauria, Old Buck

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Just had an influx of new followers thanks to my Dinosauria series tweet, so in case any of them see this and if they (I expect) like dinosaurs: I've written a book on dinosaurs!
It's "Banjo and Swift", a docu-drama short novel available on any Amazon store!

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as i was drawing the old buck from , dead sound (creator) released making of dinosauria 'old buck' just in time, thanks for this so i can reference it clearly now

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in dinosauria, you can notice how males dont even have the same frill pattern and scales copied and pasted, a detail i really love and appreciate

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🦕are among our most famed dinos. Some were giants. Some were dwarfs. Many were downright strange & bizarre. They grew insanely fast & were the largest animals to ever walk the 🌎. They were a true dinosaurian success story. I love 🦕, & from reading our book, we hope you do too

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La habitual ronda mensual de ilustraciones dinosaurianas trae de nuevo algunos cameos de y Bonito y variado, como siempre
[🎨 , Valeria Danilova, ]

▶️ https://t.co/GPTgpqPual

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Ep.9 of is here! Two Xinjiang sauropods, Phiomicetus, & 's pterosaur primer in the news. Marie Hubrecht's Verdwenen Werelden is this month's VDA, and Niels interviews David James Armsby, creator of the animated Dinosauria series!

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Nueva ronda de ilustraciones dinosaurianas (por llamarlas de alguna manera, porque se nos cuelan marinos o

▶️ https://t.co/dW9RfWKXaW

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Check out the trailer for by Dead Sound! The animation looks absolutely gorgeous!

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Estaba laburando mientras escuchaba el vídeo de ayer de y bueno, salió una dinosauria mientras hacía un break.

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En la décima entrega de serie en la que y repasan los protagonizados exclusivamente por analizan "Tyrant", una epopeya dinosauriana de Steve Bissette

▶️ https://t.co/qalCwsoM8i

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Finally! Matilda has asked for a to be added to the with good ol'
No that infographic is not wrong, clade dinosauria is alive and kicking today, as you can see from the map of life.

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Los mundos prehistóricos de Tasha Mukanik, un recorrido por la obra dinosauriana de esta artista canadiense de la mano de


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Dino Town, el pueblo dinosauriano de Simona Ceccarelli ()

▶️ https://t.co/GyfzL9Bjds

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Ankylosaurus for

One of the few animals without gender difference

used anatomy reference by Ankylosaurus

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