loveable dipshits with serious deep seated issues, bonus points if their color scheme is red I guess

0 1

Fuck yeah new too 🔥

My creeps be getting creepier 👀

Absolute over-performer for a free mint.

Dipshits got lore peep

are superior

1 8

🐍 I did a lot of work, and it’s for one of you goofy rainbow wizard dipshits.

0 15

Well here it is dipshits
Ref sheet, Chibi and irl

3 15

New dipshit day is the best day.

Happy to mint your ass into existence OG Foh Billionz 😂

1 12

I would die for these two dipshits and here’s the fanart to prove it. Go watch on Stan drongos 🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘

8 64

These dipshits but none of them for the same reason

1 3

30 Dipshits were minted today!
FREE Dipshit on (you need to hold a project)

2 6

Me seeing dipshits like this one getting roasted

0 2

Azelle 🤝 Celica

Fire mages born from these dipshits. Thankfully they're nothing like their dads.

0 9

ahahaha hi I do the funny blue man occasionally and also doodle some dipshits (including you 👁️🫦👁️)

2 4

Dipshits: "Super Saiyan 4 is too visually busy and complicated!"

Meanwhile, modern Dragon Ball's form design standards:

0 4

wooo hoo applied to Mocca fest-I mean who can say no to these two dipshits trying to table together?

0 8

Upside to Eric Andre doing NFTs is that it's apparently making dipshits who care too much suicidal

2 6

X-Men comics won't be fixed until Jordan White and his cabal of dipshits are gone. Wolverine should never be a bitch.

18 134

I've never actually done much backstory on this guy. Nobody can deduce what he does for a living, other than he "probably" has a job.

Additionally, he's either extremely intelligent or a dipshit among dipshits. There is no interpretive middle ground with him.

0 1

Cartoon break: Posting with respect. I read today how folks are getting bent out of joint by Minnie Mouse being given a pants suit makeover. Hopefully I'm being a good ally but mostly I'm just poking the dipshits with this makeover. Enjoy.

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