//=time() ?>
Happy Valentines Day my Dogi💙
This is our first Valentines together and i hope we can keep celebrating it together in the future🥰🐱
1005님이 만들어 주신 태권도 캐릭터 최유진 시트입니다. 고생하셨습니다.
#도복 #道着 #Dogi
#격투 #格闘 #Fighting
#태권도 #跆拳道 #テコンドー #Taekwondo
#최유진 #崔釉珍 #チェユジン #ChoiYuJin
#태권소녀 #TaekwondoGirl
I was commissioned by @mirihawke to draw these! I hope you like them. The WHM belongs to @TheMaddKatter (Valliant Lavender), SAM belongs to @dogibutz (Dogi Butz), MCH belongs to @Helios748 (Awin Sidelet), and DNC belongs to @catboylife (Mikh'a Akhabila).
#kariavalonart #FFXIVART
Rose님(@roseCommi)이 그려주신 美城彩香(@ryo03090308) vs 고경현(@YOFcpB5iMDcLqxx)입니다. 고생하셨습니다!
#도복 #道着 #Dogi
#격투 #格闘 #Fighting
#공수도 #空手 #Karate
#태권도 #跆拳道 #テコンドー #Taekwondo
#미키아야카 #美城彩香 #MikiAyaka
#고경현 #高烱炫 #KoKyunghyun
Rose님(@roseCommi)이 그려주신 고경현(@YOFcpB5iMDcLqxx)입니다. 고생하셨습니다!
#도복 #道着 #Dogi
#격투 #格闘 #Fighting
#태권도 #跆拳道 #テコンドー #Taekwondo
#고경현 #高烱炫 #KoKyunghyun
Je sais pas combien j’aurais donné plus jeune pour voir un jour Gohan adulte avec le dogi de Piccolo mais maintenant je peux pas m’empêcher de trouver ce fan service insipide au possible avec une réel absence d’identité propre pour le perso comme le dogi saiyaman… pouvait avoir
@pawpaaads Guess what, this is Adol, Dogi, and a few others.
Roo TF is canon in the Ys series. Several times at that.
먀먀님(https://t.co/D7ap1AQ4IX)이 해주신 juliusb8님의(@JuliusB8 ) 캐릭터 Yukimura Karin입니다. 고생하셨습니다.
#도복 #道着 #Dogi
#공수도 #空手 #Karate
#유키무라카린 #YukimuraKarin