Slàinte mhath! Happy Burn's Night! I love Burn's Night and each year I usually have a Burn's Night celebration with my loved ones,but tonight will just be a low key affair - wherever you are have a wee dram on me!

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Excellent choice for a warming wee dram!

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Hey everyone here is a new pages of the world that went down chapter 2 page 39. i like how the light came out.

see you all in the next post

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Henlo, i Amn just........... a litle creacher that dram stuf- ;;;

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"In the great wind of progress, tradition cannot stand."

--Serjo Hlaalu Dram Bero

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1枚目:Jetson Nano DevKit初代
2枚目:Jetson Nano DevKit B01(2020年発売)
3枚目:Jeston Nano 2GB DevKit(今回発表されたDRAM半分の廉価版)

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It’s spooky seasonnn!!! Why not represent it with one of my only spooky characters haha meet Dram!

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Even though I mostly dram him with bunny ears and such nowadays I still like drawing his original form 🌟 He's really someone whom I wish to be in the future, more outgoing and silly 🌠

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Seeing how you enjoy drawing male Characters, I will leave you Cerre here! 🌻

Facial Expression can be confident or relaxed. And for the Pose - feel free to do what you think would fit him (if you want to dram him) 🌻

(1. Artwork by @/6nii9 and 2. Artwork by Minaru)

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I'm super happy with last week's art request round from tumblr. I had an excuse to dram HnknA characters again, most of which I would have been too lazy to draw nowadays.

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さんから発売されたウィスキーのラベルの元絵。いつ呑もうかな〜。美味しく頂くためにも手洗いうがいソーシャルディスタンスはより励もう!密です!密!wu dram clan のシールがとてもラブリー。🌛🌝🌜

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I'm eishiya! I recently finished my webcomic Black Dram ( and I'm working on my next comic and a game.

Tip: Sort or tag your inspiration images/music by project, so you can get re-inspired as needed!


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My family and my dog got sick at the same time. Anxiety and attending hospitals are continuing. When I was tired and in frustrated to the max, I received advice. "Have a good rest, and take your time taking your path." As I felt saved, I imaged dram band.

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Just want to see himejimasan in different hair style 😭
/why I always dram snm like this 😭😭😭

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Next Monday we're showing Something's Gotta Give at ! I have no other way to say this film will be good other than "Diane Keaton, Jack Nicholson, and Keanu Reeves rom-com-dram from the director of The Parent Trap".

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今日は青山吉能さんの友達小林愛香さんとi-1clubのメンバーである加藤英美里さんにBanG Dramの声役のひまりの誕生日です。


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