Happy Valentine’s Day from the couple who finally succumbed to wearing lovely-dovey matching sweaters ❤️

33 163

"Then she turned to him and melted into his arms."
Ch23 - Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love

33 230

A possessive TattooArtist!Draco for your tl (time has passed and he has a full sleeve…and matching rings) ❤️

37 215

Many of you guys don't ship I'm not against you. I hope you're not against me either. Even if you are, pls refrain from hating me for holding different opinions.
Anyway, here is a (rough) done by me.

4 13


An AU where Draco becomes a tattoo artist under Parkinson’s apprenticeship and is asked to cover up his lover’s forearm scar. Also, yes, he’s wearing a hair clip that same said lover gave him ❤️

67 311

A sketch of young Draco with short hair to match Hermione’s haircut ☺️

5 26

Draco took it upon himself to make Hermione feel loved after Viktor and Ron left her at the Yuleball.🥺❤️


35 153

Draco doesn't understand what Hermione "high five" means. Is it a muggle thing? Maybe all muggles are this over affactionate with their old school enemie...

36 275

Если вы вдруг еще не читали эту работу, то вот https://t.co/vXPpXM6jeA

125 628


21 91