Alright! Drawing Requests 1! Since I just started today I only got 1 out of something over 20 done so yep! This was a request on Instagram, I’ll post all the requests I finish together bit by bit each day

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Sonic RQ (+Pokemon) on DA:
SonAmy (Sonic and Amy hugging) [SuperSonicGaming26]
Cream and Jigglypuff [kimi-finster1997]
Cosmo and Celebi [XxShinyJirachixX]

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Random RQ on DA:
Bingo Heeler [Tails-Lightness75]
Daffy Duck [SonicArt251]
Rosie (Animal Crossing) [Kirbysoniccat5430]
Spyro the Dragon [UltimateNeoCrew]

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Pokemon RQ on DA (1/2):
Braixen [MooseStudio]
Cubchoo [suckaysuAmigos200]
Teddiursa riding Flygon [SwaggyC90]
Zoroark [SilverWarudo33]

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This was requested by Ani on the warrior cat amino!:’) This took a while, and it isn’t perfect, but I had fun doing it☺️I hope that you guys like it!!

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This was a request from loneliestghost on the warrior cat amino!☺️ They asked me to do a pixel of their oc, so I did! I hope you guys like it!!

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I will draw two oc's (from two different persons)

Only two

Follow, RT and comment your OC

You can choose the close up from one of this two options (no full body srry)

I will answer in like, 20 hours, so comment, and be patient

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Is there anyone that can do free requests????? I’m bored since the Pandemic is still going on!!!!! Here are my fursonas btw!!!!!

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Requested by 🍋
Again, LOTS OF FUN💙💙
Thanks so much for the request💜💙

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Sonic RQ on DA:
Blaze sunbathing [ZidanMoto]
Cream flying [YoshiGuy1990]
Sonic running [SilverWarudo33]

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Random RQ on DA:
Fauna and Judy (AC) [NonsenseMedia & RedPanda13ART]
Kirby riding a Warp Star [ameth18]
Mega Man [Caniri4TheWin]
Morgana [WadeArlen]

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