Entaku no Seito (円卓の生徒), aka Students of Round, was released on April 30, 2010. It was later released on

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Moraff's Dungeons of the Unforgiven, was released on April 26, 1993.

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Severed, touch based was released on April 26, 2016.

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En juin arrive Paper Dungeons (de l'éditeur brésilien Meeple BR) un roll & write en mode exploration de donjon. On a adoré et donc on vous le propose :)
De 1 à 8 joueurs, pour des parties de 30 à 45 mn.
On aura l'occasion d'en reparler.

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Dungeons of Kairn, a was released in April 1989. Pictures by CRPGAddict.

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Working on the database while I hang with the kids. Check out the screens on this game, called "The Realm." I still need to confirm that it's a dungeon crawler.

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Dragon Knight & Graffiti (ドラゴンナイト アンド グラフィティー), was released on March 31, 1995.

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Happy 30th Anniversary to Shining in the Darkness (シャイニング&ザ・ダクネス)!!! Originally released on March 29, 1991.

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Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & the Monster Seal (ダンジョントラベラーズ2 王立図書館とマモノの封印), was released on the PSP on March 29, 2013.

Still hoping we get a localization of 2-2!

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Dragon Master Silk (ドラゴンマスターシルク), was released on March 28, 1997.

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Card of Destiny, was released on March 28, 2002. It was a console version of an H-game of the same name released in 2001.

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Suzaku (スザク), was released for PC98 on March 27, 1992.

This game has outstanding enemy art.

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Elminage: Priestess of Darkness and the Ring of the Gods (aka Elminage Original) (エルミナージュ 〜闇の巫女と神々の指輪〜), was released for the on March 27, 2008.

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Nemuru Mayu (眠ル繭), was released on March 23, 2000.

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