Seriously, DW9 Zhong Hui is gorgeous! Truly the "spoiled prince" of Jin. XPS is a blessed software that allows me to see the raw beauty. 💙💙

Even while mad, he's so lovely.

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This is the best thing! Oh, my God, he looks so good! 😭💕💕💕💕💕💕
Maybe I'll do a thing where I give multiple DW9 characters glasses, but Zhu Ran just had to be the first one!

XPS is a blessed thing. 🙏

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It takes longer and involves more detailed tweaking than the DW8 model, but this is fun! Some XPS expression practice with DW9 Zhu Ran. ^_^

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Let it be known that the DW9 models work just fine in XPS on the new laptop. XD

Did just a few minor facial tweaks to test things out, but halted when Zhu Ran looked like this here picture. LOOK AT HIM! LOOK AT HOW CUTE THIS MAN IS! 😭💕💕💕💕💕

1 12

These designs exist. In fact, Xin Xianying is the only character in DW9 to have a Japanese inspired costume. There are others, but a theme that's missing is the Matsuri costume. I had the living firework himself fulfill that role, and I hope KT would consider Matsuri Zhu Ran.

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Anddd shes done. I like how this design turned out. Hopefully i can get something close to this when dw9 empires comes out
(And yes she has a splay blade as her weapon)

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But then, uh oh, the glitch I mentioned before started happening. Zhu Ran's DW9 model is a lot more detailed than his DW8. Has a lot more animation bones, too. So he slows down the program and his body deloads. Look at floating head Zhu Ran!

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I gib her new design for dw9 (hey that rhymed)

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Dynasty Warrior turns anime..Nah just kidding, just my fanart, thisll be my last artwork of DW9 and I'll focus on other stuff until DW9: empires is available, check my deviantart to see more ;3

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BTW new character hasn't always been a staple for Empires though.. 4E & 5E didn't add a new char (6E is debatable since it brought back Meng Huo who was cut from 6)

But I noticed that when a new char gets added in Empires, he'll be the cover character. And for DW9E we have...

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The "sad" expression is very close! I don't think I could have done anything more with DW9's expressions and emotes to get the same feeling as DW8. XD

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Similar situation to the "happy" face, DW9 Zhu Ran's "sad" look is less... exaggerated(?) than in DW8. The lack of Anime eye shine makes him look less like a kicked puppy. XD

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I keep coming up with these random ideas. So I was in DW9 and thought "Hey, can I maybe try to replicate DW8's emotes in DW9's photo mode?"

8XL Zhu Ran's "normal" face was harder to pinpoint than I thought. It's like a tiny smile or smirk. DW9 has set expressions, though.

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They already made the Qiaos more mature in DW9 when compared to DW8≧

Though I personally wouldn't mind at all either if they take it another step further like in DW Blast

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I didn't play dw8 so I missed his daughter's officer intro, but heres something I can't grasp while playing dw9

How..h..Lu Bu is 29. How old is Lu Lingqi??

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So, as we know, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao actually got mature designs in Blast. Some design elements were given to DW9 Da Qiao, and she does look a bit older than usual. Still, they haven't really rendered an older version of the Qiao sisters. Do we want them aged up?

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Geez, I know she's cute, but Koei REALLY seems enamoured with Xin Xianying... Very few other characters got this much fanservice, and no other DW9 newcomer did.

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Xin Xianying is the only DW9 addition to also be added to DW Unleashed. Apparently, there IS expansion of her role beyond Wuzhang Plains and her father's death. Dunno why the blanket story is important, but hey, XXY in Wu and Shu colors.

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Guan Yinping's concept art from DW8 & DW9, WO4.

DW8 upper left and 3 which I'll like. DW9 A & E.

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