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What Love Says... In stillness listen to the raindrops drumming love to Mother Earth, dance with this, dance with love, in stillness you are bathed in love, always. Allow the flood of love to wash within and flow to and through your heart. #love #illustrator
@CryptoPopPunk "This is the place to be. It's all you have.
The sky, the earth, the breathe.
Everything that tells you you're still alive.."
-from Equilibrium Collection-
1/1 LIVE on FND
0.15 $eth
@RachelSTWood Hi Rachel💛
"This is the place to be.
It's all you have.
The sky, the earth, the breathe.
Everything that tells you you're still alive.."
-from Equilibrium Collection-
1/1 LIVE - 0.15 $eth
@DrY70126107 Gmgm Dr-Y!
"This is the place to be. It's all you have.
The sky, the earth, the breathe.
Everything that tells you you're still alive.."
-from Equilibrium Collection-
1/1 LIVE
0.15 $eth
@w_movsum Hey Movsum✨
"This is the place to be. It's all you have.
The sky, the earth, the breathe.
Everything that tells you you're still alive.."
-from Equilibrium Collection-
@RealKatoOG Hi #KATO
"This is the place to be. It's all you have.
The sky, the earth, the breathe.
Everything that tells you you're still alive.."
-from Equilibrium Collection-
@Elypse2021 "This is the place to be. It's all you have.
The sky, the earth, the breathe.
Everything that tells you you're still alive.."
-from Equilibrium Collection-
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕄𝕪𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕦𝕥𝕖𝕣 (MystiCom)
Digital Esoteric Arts #digitalart #Mystic
Citizen of
The Earth, Sub-Antarctica 🌐https://t.co/DA4wb1mmRl
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 106 - The Rangers learn more about the Morphin Grid,Masters,Navigators,Master Arches & Dark Specter as they prepare to take on Mistress Vile on Safehaven but Zordon wants the MMPR team to return home and protect Earth,they disobey orders… https://t.co/JskyvgRgQb
The Genesis, no. 30 of 1533 NFTs
Title : Herbs for food
Inspired by : The BIBLE - Genesis 1:30 - To every
animal of the earth, and to every bird of the sky, and toeverything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food." And it was so
"This is the place to be. It's all you have.
The sky, the earth, the breathe.
Everything that tells you you're still alive.."
-from Equilibrium Collection-
1/1 LIVE on @foundation
0.15 $eth
@Parafinas1 "This is the place to be. It's all you have.
The sky, the earth, the breath.
Everything that tells you you're still alive.."
-from Equilibrium Collection-
1/1 LIVE on @foundation
0.15 $eth
Signals from the Future
A collection of 1/1 images built around a story.
An advanced drone built to scout other planets is released on Earth, years after a global apocalypse, decades into our future. cont...
@tupleswrites @micimicelle one day in the distant future when humans have moved to live in space because we alr destroyed the earth, anthropologists will find these tweets and think to themselves,
@ADuocrypto Hi Duo💛
"This is the place to be. It's all you have.
The sky, the earth, the breath.
Everything that tells you you're still alive.."
-from Equilibrium Collection-
0.15 $eth / FND
"It is true that the other saints enjoy great power in heaven, but they ask as servants, and do not command as masters. St Joseph, to whose authority Jesus was subject on earth, obtains what he desires from his kingly foster Son in heaven." - St Thomas Aquinas
(Art by Sr Lucy)