A fun collection of TMNT n Street Shark smut! ( 🖼 by )

30 107

Caleb y un pendejo 💀 || Wittecest 🤙✨

19 108

I have always found this piece by beyond adorable. The expressions and overall compositions are so believable, and fit their personalities perfectly. The coloring is exceptional, as well, and the lack of dialogue feels rather befitting.

10 74

In this tender scene, employs a magnificent tableau of vibrant colors and heartwarming details that emphasize the pure innocence and beauty of the unconditional love between the twins. From the tiny hearts to the blushing, it’s fluff in its highest form.

17 84

As voted for May - Rex/Echo/Fives clonecest
Link to uncensored in replies

4 20


65 217

I like to imagine this as a snapshot of them in the future, late 20s, having run off and started their lives together, physical appearances altered just enough to prevent easy ID should an old acquaintance come upon them, and I imagine them being happy.

9 54

Day 2 : chibi yahwi in frog 🐸 sorry if it's a bit messy but I was too busy these days so I've done it quickly (ps : enfaite j'étais trop fatigué)

9 56

The passion, the devotion, the unconditional love…these two are - and always have been - destined for each other. I can’t be convinced otherwise. Simply beautiful and, once again, illustrates it so perfectly.

17 75

The inimitable returns to the spotlight today (as if that would ever be a problem) with a spin on the usual pairing: the twins are now triplets, with Tyrone playing the third wheel, as they collectively enjoy a sugary breakfast in their overnight garb.

5 37

In recognition of Mothers’ Day, I give you a lovely image crafted by Pinesx2, in which the twins are holding their daughter, Cassie, in their arms, looking on in wonder. Hard to imagine the Mabel wouldn’t be a wonderful mom if given the chance.

12 68

I love this picture so much. The lost look in his eyes, their closeness, the rich palate, the detail of their outfits, the imagery of them alone versus the world… It’s both melancholy and soothing at the same time. Beautiful. As always, thank you

11 75

Today, I am presenting an endearing piece crafted by fellow Pinecester (and my friend) , drawn to accompany one of my more recent works, ‘Kaleidoscope’. It beautifully captures the most hair-raising part of the short work. Many ‘thank you’s pal! 😁

3 21

Kagamine Lin x Ren
From: Vocaloid
Are a Twincest

37 175

Au fait, by the way, personne se pose la question de savoir comment notre insoumis réagira aux résultats des s'il estime qu'il n'a pas eu le nombre de députés qu'il "aurait dû" avoir.

1 2

Apparently, it is ‘National Brothers and Sisters Day’. I can’t think of a better way to honor it than with another tender, emotive master-craft from This one has no text, but it doesn’t need it: the expressions say more than words could.

17 64