contemporary take on an aurora sky 36x36 oil on canvas

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DJ Madame B reported our weekly to . Sami musical duo reached Bahia singer/songwriter was A trio from Argentina, Japan and Peru brought eclectic sounds at

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I'm not a new follower, but these are always fun

I'm an eclectic wanna-be artist who posts weekly and until I pop off, I draw whatever I want, so lotsa variety in subject lol

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EAST Art Corner 2F until the 27th excellently eclectic works by Natsuki, Chika,Miyako,Kai & Kaho !
"created with the concept of the meaning of gradation"

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EAST Art Corner 2F until the 27th excellently eclectic works by Natsuki, Chika,Miyako,Kai & Kaho !
"created with the concept of the meaning of gradation"

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Eclectic Sold Persons

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🪂You have just received a Rare Pepe Punk airdrop 🪂

Thank you for collecting my eclectic work ❤️💜💛💙💚


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Twitch drops for return November 22nd (until December 6th). They're starting on a Tuesday instead of Thursday this time.

The third set of items in the Art Nouveau collection will be the Eclectic Mushlight.

Watch 30, 90, and 180 minutes for the 3 drops.

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Aside from being a nice eccentric healer, you also have an eclectic music preference, which I wholeheartedly respect. I still remember the time you shared your personal playlist; went through them entirely last week. It was pretty fascinating indeed.

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Today I learned that the reason all the console spinoff Petz games are so weird and eclectic is cos they're actually around ten entirely different japanese franchises randomly renamed and redrawn.
For example "Petz Dogz 2 DS" is actually Ocha-Ken no Heya DS

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___ eclectic electric hunt
_ 1/1 . dice 🎲 rolled price : 3 .

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💎Sengoku Empire NFT GIVEAWAY💎

🏆 1 x Weeping Sengoku (0.2 SOL floor)
🏆 1 x Eclectic Sengoku (0.3 SOL floor)
🏆 1 x Sengoku Kami (0.42 SOL floor)

1️⃣ Follow & &
2️⃣ RT ❤️ + Tag Frens

48 hours⏰

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I've done a LOT of Lancer comms but I just really, really like giant robots.

I'm influenced by an eclectic mix of Gundam, Gunbuster, Metal Gear and even a little bit of Gurren Lagann in there (mostly because I really like how expressive those machines are)

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Two Eclectic LIVE MUSIC Events at ANNO DOMINI this Week! -

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Today's Color: Purple. As witches, our taste in items/decor can be eclectic. Trinkets & bobbles always seem to find us. In your travels today, be on the look out as a piece might be trying to call you. There are little magical treasures every where if we keep our perception sharp

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Two Eclectic LIVE MUSIC Events at ANNO DOMINI this Week! -

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NEXT WEEKEND! Saturday 11am-5pm the launch of my 2023 calendar ‘Seasons.’

The Eclectic Fair at will. Will be a great occasion to launch my exciting new work that I’m really looking forward to showing. Cone down and have a chat, a drink, see the music and stalls.

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Your work is stunning! Happy Birthday!
Here are some faves of my own (my style is a bit eclectic lol)

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7. i have pretty eclectic tastes so idk if many albums would be particularly out of character, but i suppose the most different album i like would have to be either The Family Jewels or American Football. i am not emo, but it is damn good music!

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Hectic and eclectic. The mint continues...

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