Thank you so much I cannot express how much I'm obsessed with the Infernal Slayer and it has my favorite colors too! Amazing job done! 👏

12 91


1 0

I also built a snowman and colored in a bunch of ornaments throughout the the week. It makes the scenery more wonderful.

1 6

Now that we're in November it's officially Christmas now right? So here's a preview of some EpicDuel swag -

10 46

HEAR YE! HEAR YE! Spent many nights working in my forge to bring you guys these!

3 11

She is helping us for years and now, Delta V's precious Conductor is heading to battlefield!

5 20

Hey would you guys like to see this old concept revamped for the upcoming Valentines Day update?

4 19

And who doesn't like FREE fast cars? If you win this new War, then these babies can be all yours!

11 18

Prepare yourselves, my brothers! For WAR draws near!

7 6

I'm done shading and I have 4 out of 12 limbs cced :D

5 13

Late night preview of an Armor I'm working on for Holiday Gift Giving Event
-"Frost Warden" WIP

11 16

Winter is coming, get prepared for winter! Gonna make weapons too!

9 12

A quick preview of our latest progress in BioBeasts!

11 10

A quick preview of our latest progress in BioBeasts!

9 7

I know we've still got 2 more Holidays left but...

1 4

We have a winner! "JUNNYOSAN" ! 2nd and third place codes are "H0TNC0LD" and "HE4RLV"

3 6

Harvest items are now available on Snork and Rabblefroth!

15 19

I think its OK to share since its in DNs. Meet Alexis! MORE INFO:

5 7

2 NEW Var packages with NEW cores now available! Login and Play!

5 5

Attention all Bio-Scientist: Protective gear must be worn in the lab at all times!

8 16