Some early sketches for
It's fun to play around with a new character and help bring them to life.
By the time for finals her colour had changed and proportions became smaller.
written by .

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Oh, it’s

Looks like the curse of the dumb weredonk strikes again!!

Beware of loud HEEEHAWWWWWs and goofy buckteef striking fear and laughter into the hearts of those that come across the donk’ening! :B

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Just days to go for publication of by ! Written by
In this scene she attracts a LOT of attention.
It was fun to add in so many people, there are about 200 throughout the book and a fair few are real😊

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Dragon!Handsome Jack Design Commission for Ravi/Zarpedonkey on Tumblr! Same AU as the Dragon!Tyreen Design I posted a while back

29 86

G’Morning, All!

Still sleepy. Hope your day isn’t too startling. - Maximilian Uriarte

0 5

Favorite OC design: This one's impossible, but probably Hadki because his horns are redonk and I love them. Plus claw fingers and big noses and long hair umph

0 1

rhino bike? not my photo but thought it would be a nice update to bike folder.

6 27

Since Bonnie is a pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey she has tail accidents a bit more often than she'd admit. It's kinda embarrassing.

I just thought this would be cute. Not really meant to be sexual, but ya know the internet.

5 20

繼續練習畫Transfur系列 keep train more transfur
"停下來...你會讓我們更嚴重stop that, You will make us worse"

4 14

I published a children's book (illustrated by ) called "Gumgah and the Grumpledonk" about a little girl who faces the strange sounds in her closet. I would love to get it reviewed by writers/bloggers. I have digital copies for anyone interested!

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繼續練習畫Transfur系列 keep train more transfur

5 17

There is a called but I have not had the opportunity to sample it.


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獸化 Transfur / weredonkey in locker room
繼續練習畫Transfur系列 train draw more Transfur
Transfur in locker room 在更衣室獸化中
驢子及衣服的表現需要再多練習 donkey & clothes need more train

5 19

This is great. I love redonk stuff like this.

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