Made a doodle off my custom brush I just made minutes ago...

The QR code of thr brush would be down in the comments!

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And here is Gerald Parel's variant for the same issue (#StarWarsTheHighRepublic Trail of Shadows adding Emerick Caphtor to the same musical scene.

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That menacing evil is looming large, but Emerick is so luminous and centered in the Force. I'm sure this will end just fine. 😢 from Trail of Shadows coming in January.

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✨this is now an Emerick Caphtor stan account✨

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"You know, there was a time when I was young when I thought being a king would just be a barrel of laughs. The coin, the power of all its trappings—it looked like such fun. It's not, though. If I don't escape these stone walls soon, I'll go mad."

--High King Emeric

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"The Red Shoes" (1948) dir. Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger
Drawings executed by Hein Heckroth & Ivor Beddoes

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Is anyone open for badges !!

I have like 1 maybe 2 badges of Emerich and I've had him nearly two years !!!!

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Bonjour 👋

Moi c'est Emeric et je fait du dessin sur tablette graphique... principalement du fantasy tiré de mon univers perso ^^ mais parfois d'autres truc...

Et je tag :

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doodled a small thing about That part in heavensward because i recently replayed it and realized Mide would be having some emotions. They weren't dating Aymeric then, but it stirred something...

they/them for Mide pls

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some more midemeric content . they are good

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The presumed sole survivor of a naval crash, Emerick Colston wanders the harsh desert of Derkar. Nursed back to health by disgruntled observatory lead Lucas Trescor, the two scan for survivors. Things get dicey when Lucas thinks he knows who Emerick’s parents are…

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It took me so long to make Jax when I got back into furry, then it took me nearly 3 years before I made my second sona Emerich and now I have like 5 characters I consistently use and I love them all so much ;;;;;

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Hello ^^ moi c'est Emeric je dessine BEAUCOUP et j'écris un peu aussi ...

je pose certaines de mes créations ici au cas ou ^^ :

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had our beach episode session and emerick got called over to be dunked in the ocean for as a prank so he had to walk home through the city like that

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dnd art dump mainly starring emerick and vinny(’s chests)

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STAR WARS: THE HIGH REPUBLIC: TRAIL OF SHADOWS, a brand-new Marvel Comics series coming in October!

A noir-style mystery featuring new characters, Jedi Emerick Caphto and
Sian Holt, two detectives tasked with uncovering a new threat to the Jedi Order.

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Mini Série Comics Marvel Star Wars: The High Republic: TRAIL OF SHADOWS
Les nouveaux venus Emerick et Sian enquêtent sur un mystérieux meurtre se déroulant pendant la Foire de la République.
Toutes les infos : ⤵️

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