FriendZone 💔
Esta canción debería considerarse el himno de los soldados caídos el 14 de febrero 😔

17 222

whar if dood palette but he had long hair

5 5

уфф...вдохновилась песней одной и очень захотелось нарисовать как он её умирающую тащит 😔
uff.. I was inspired by one song and really wanted to draw how he drags her dying 😔

5 22

ok well im gonna post crossover art anyways BECAUSE THIS IS MY TWITTER 😡😡😡climber and carl guys

8 59

Kokoa just friendzoned Towa jdhshdhdg

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New AU Climber here ya come!!!!
meets Crystal Climber!! :D
Feel free to draw him hehe :]

1 17

Little silly that i didn't show.

Character aint mine

7 80

Mauu titip Alexa🙌 cewe 16 taun, masih SMA. Tipe cewe tsundere, mudah marah tp perhatian. Saat ini kena friendzone mas crushnya :') tp dia ttp berusaha agar perasaan dia bisa terbalas

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the way chimbley stands in this picture is literally the most thug-gangster ass-shit like holy hell it's so badass

14 85

ermmm what the scallop... omg/olga redesign???

7 32

karl doodle do you guys think he smokes weedithink hedoes

34 180

Pumpkin Pie and Sprout guy!!
Pumpkin climber © doodcolor (TikTok)

8 42