The “tusked bison,” as it’s called by Canthrian Naturalists, is a hulking 7-8 ton enteledont. Having transitioned fully to carnivory, these massive predators are sauropod specialists. Despite their fearsome size, these predators are slowly becoming endangered due to habitat loss.

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Pentel のENERGELが使いやすーい!

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Joku uinunut into heräsi just, jos vähän pääsisi rakentelemaan ennen kesää 👀 nyt vaa pitää rykästä se oppari ulos ja äkkiä…!

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Indo sama Korea bang kalau saya pentelengi🗿🗿

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Today I just want to sketch doodle. All painting images are based on very random reference images from Pinterest. Besides that, I am enjoy using brushes from Kyles Gouache_Master. I almost want to smug my painting screen because it reminds me of the Pentel brush effect.

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Murata: Oh good <3 I assure you, My Clientele love my services.

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Le plaisir de faire sa colo pas mal détaillée, faire un remplissage accidentel du calque et qu’ensuite ProCreate plante et fait que je peux plus annuler le truc, me forçant à effacer touuuut le calque de colo et recommencer de zéro 🤬🤬🤬

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Jeanne Mammen, German artist who captured Berlin nightclubs, cafés and their performers and artists, as well as their bohemian, intellectual and gay clientele, during the Weimar period (1918-1933)

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Malin's cooking.

Tate is a pill, but most of the pearl-clutching is manufactured. I wish people would have the same energy when it comes to Epstein's clientele. The news cycle for that was abysmal compared to Tate's arrest. In its entirety, Epstein is just a stupid meme now.

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My friend and I was discussing about Donnie’s shell, and she somehow thought of irken’s pak…
So, enjoy Irkentello 🤣👇from me (1st) and my friend (2nd)

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Lo terminamooos! Qué felicidad
Siento la paz, jsjsj!

Tiempo de no dibujar chicas, lo disfruté muchísimo. Creo que ya conocen bastante a Roxanne pero no a Joanne así que, ladies and gentelmen... Her!

Espero les guste :) 💖

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centellas ñomñomñomñom

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Ladies, gentelman and non binaire sweethearts:

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PANEL OF THE DAY. Arsene Lupin: Gentelman Thief, art by Vincent Mallie. More here:

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My urban sketching bag with an A6 Seawhite travel journal, Lamy pens, Pentel water brush & brush pen and Winsor & Newton watercolours.

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Commission for Braulio Samuel on Facebook
El guerrero de la chispa: almas centellantes.

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