ไอ้เราก็นึกตั้งนานว่าเหมือนอะไร 5555555555555555555555555

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El 19 de abril fue cumpleaños de @/AlexProwCat uwu

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Unq OC que me expropie xdd.

Chale, debería dibujarla de nuevo, hace un chingo no lo hago

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Another commission, this time featuring Megumin from Konosuba. EXPROOOOSSSIIIIOOONN!!

Please consider joining my Discord server: https://t.co/orktDEqveZ

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Crazy Charlie cares very little for things like money... but occasionally they will take up various odd jobs hunting demonic sorcerers and witches among the hellwastes.

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O sea las empresas de petróleo eran extranjeras privadas; pero según Yuriria y su fuente, esas empresas inglesas y holandesas le vendían petróleo a Hitler y Cárdenas tuvo que expropiar por órdenes de gringos, aliados de ingleses y holandeses jajajaja

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The amazing life of 1 painting:
1889 - painted by Van Gogh at asylum
1977 - covertly bought by Swiss dealer
1988 - expropriated by Italy
1998 - stolen in art heist (later recovered)
2000 - subject of landmark human rights case
2018 - identity of sitter discovered by Martin Bailey

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Le hice un pequeño rediseño a mi fursona, ahora si soy un lince boreal. La gorra me la regalo mi exprofe de artes que la quiero mucho qvq

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"On the night before Christmas, we’ll all be about. While the people are sleeping, we’ll realise our clout. We’ll expropriate goods from the stores, ‘cos that’s fair. And distribute them widely, to those who need care."

An anarchist guide to Christmas

➡️ https://t.co/ZO17ZdJciI

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鼻無し モナ(メイドインワリオ)
noseless Mona (WarioWare)
チアリーダー Cheerleader
探検家 Exproler
no nose, without a nose, noses, cropped, smol, derp, icon, edit, profile, 鼻なし

「探検の 途中で 怪物 ハナモギダーに 襲われて,鼻が 無くなり,口が 鼻の 位置に 移動しちゃったの。」

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¡He publicado Memes de
Aportaciones de , Wexpros, y
¡Gracias a todos!

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Martírio (2016), documentário que mostra a luta dos Guarani pela retomada de seus territórios sagrados no sul do Mato Grosso do Sul, após terem sido expropriados pelo agronegócio. Registra o genocídio indígena nessa região desde os tempos da Guerra do Paraguai.

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We don't have the same meaning for remake.. When you can't spot differences on hairs, hands, BT's, guns or other I don't call it remake I call it expropriation..

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The inhabitants of the plains (Arabs) are not only foreign conquerors but they are also uncivilized and nomadic, therefore they don't deserve to own the lands they live in & can't even cultivate them: the expropriation of their lands by the French was therefore justified

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