Always you want more

Let's make a chain ⛓️ of kindness & love 💕
Great month to all fam

14 47

I never seen this before , so cute 🥰
and she got a new home ♥️💀
welcome to our home.

18 59

Good Evening fam 🫡

Busy work day, just getting to all the amazing notifications, tags, and comments.

May this evening bring you peace, rest, and reflection as you prepare for a new day ahead

You Got This!

1 15

Happy Wednesday 🎉🎉
AI Vs real Morie...
Morie won lol

1 2


Friends, please focus on the positive, be grateful for the blessings in your life, and tackle any challenges with a can-do attitude.

Believe in yourself and your abilities, and never give up on your dreams.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

9 30

That is such a beauty!And people will know you straight away as a pfp.Looks good. So clean.Welcome to the 🙏🇦🇺

0 4

I have long thought is a cool NFT project and thought now as good a time as ever to join the

15 96

💫Happy Tuesday 💫

I’m all wrapped up 😂😂

Mummy trait is 🔥

(By )

8 37

Gm ☕️

Happy Choose-Day,

May your decisions be wise and your choices not end

May you find joy in the path that you take

And may your future be bright with

every choice you make!

You've Got This! 🫡💯

9 20

Very cute ninja zombie added ♥️


11 39

No need to push or pull,
My truth is mine to rule.
I'll embrace who I am,
And let my spirit take command.

Mories are Kind!

0 3

"I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright." -Red

Have a fabulous weekend flap those wings and show off your colors! 🤟🎉🪶❤️

6 23

Picked up these two fine since the AMA space with iwwon on Sunday. Really liked what I heard and feeling great about the future of the projects! 🚀 Will try to pen some thoughts for tomorrow...until then, G'Morie and happy HUMPDAY all you beautiful people! ❤️🙌🌊💀

7 42

Gm ☕️

Believe in yourself, stay positive, & keep pushing forward towards your goals.

You have the strength, the skills, & the determination to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

So, embrace this new week with a positive attitude, & make it your best one yet!

4 22

💫Happy Sunday 💫

A little stretching and yoga to start the day 😛

(🔥By )

4 21

Lesssggoooo there is more but you would feel spammed, some amazing communities and hidden gems out there. - DYOR

4 10