🆕 Confermati i nuovi Furni & Look della campagna di

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Quello che sta facendo Putin è semplicemente orribile. Va fermato

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questa collezione su Tezos si è fermata ma io non mollo

Iconic Miniatures Collection


1/1 edition


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💐💐💐 先行配信開始 💐💐💐

1st EP『Fermata』より「フェルマータ」の先行配信を開始しました!

↪︎ https://t.co/7LqI5z0sdo

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altessimo のMermaid fermataのイメージ

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🤯Can't thank enough for picking up three pieces today in $ASH...a record breaking day for the Fermata collection, my mind is blown. Insanely lucky to have collectors to support me like this and thanks for the inspiration to go forward!

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まだアーカイブ観てないので限りなく幻覚に近い現地のmermaid fermataの記憶です 間奏部分で耳を澄ます姿が綺麗でした

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Look at that cutie right there!!!! That is a certified adorable being that I wanna say many positive affermations to; like you are doing your best and I am proud of you! I think you can achieve your 2022 goals and even if you havent finished this years goals you arent a failure💜

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"Fermata in Rapsodia" from "THE IDOLM MILLION THE WAVE 05" by ARCANA (たかはし智秋, 今井麻美, 原由実)

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Thank you for drawing Aosa and Fermat cool style 😻❤️

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Fermata in Rapsodia - ARCANA [三浦あずさ (CV.たかはし智秋)、如月千早 (CV.今井麻美)、四条貴音 (CV.原 由実)] (THE IDOLM MILLION THE WAVE 05 ARCANA)

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The last person to buy into my Fermata Founders Channel was who was the first to purchase 2 of my first $ASH pieces, and whose great uncle was basically a legend of Korean painting: https://t.co/A2UiGvWIbi It's an honor and welcome to my small but tight knit group! https://t.co/ECJvBTSN0L

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Fermata in Rapsodia



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Four $ASH pieces from the fermata collection. Much love and thanks again to for pulling me into this wonderful rabbit hole.

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Fermata in Rapsodia

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『Fermata in Rapsodia』ありがとう、この3人に曲をくれて……

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Fermata in Rapsodia
MTWシリーズでAS・ミリオンが分離されていることにちょっと歯がゆい思いを感じたりもしましたが、この3人のユニットが最高の楽曲で見られたことには大歓喜。カップリング曲のDEpArture from THe life も最高。リリイベで生で聴けた方々が羨ましすぎる…

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