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Año 2025, estamos a finales y Funan a Julio por que el su server se distribuia CP.

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日曜日5/26開催の同人誌即売会 コミティア148に参加します。
「GRUMMANA&AMP」スペース N-28a
当日は冬コミ新刊「「GURAMAN1895~90増訂版FINALEDITION」と既刊誌 メカロボ、メカデザイン同人誌を多数持ち込みます。 宜しくお願い致します。

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changed this after reading the finale!

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this is what I've always wanted to draw....
sweet yeah😭
part.13 will be the finale🩷

Non-censored version :
privatter: https://t.co/LZLUvhubM8


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wip for pt.12 someone is still pissy..

pt.12 will be separated into 12-1 and 12-2, it's too long😂 and pt.13 will be the finale😭 finally!!

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hamtaro ham ham heartbreak finale starts in a few hours!
be there or be "oopsie" !! >:3

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Overture your dream “Carpe-Diem”
Finale our Hope “Carpe-Diem”
onoken vs Apo11o program ft.Tamako Kinoshita

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※ ポスト主が勝手に思ってるだけです😂← https://t.co/6OLV0FMd8U

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※ ポスト主が勝手に思ってるだけです😂← https://t.co/e2YbBSFrrY

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To celebrate the FGO Lostbelt 1 Recollection Campaign, I touched up a Salieri I drew in 2021

one of my fav characters from LB1, his Requiem in the finale is something I'll never forget

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Live now with the finale of Coffee Talk 2!! ☕️🦋

I'll see you at the Lab!🧪✨
⭕ LIVE https://t.co/f1qS6t3fzw

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There is a subbed version of Das Finale Part 4, but I am keeping myself pure for the /ak/ sub.

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冬コミC103新刊「GURAMAN1895~90増訂版FINALEDITION」宮ケ瀬の道の駅「鳥居原ふれあいの館」では冊数が少ないのと山奥での販売なので他の書店委託価格より541円お安くなっていて、「BLACK HISTORY VOL7」ウルフファングのコミカライズの掲載されている自分用だった在庫が数冊あります。

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Das Finale Part 4 is coming closer

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「GURAMAN1895~90増訂版FINALEDITION」は約50ページ増量内容も80ページ改訂した168ページのメカ本 今回限りで両日はかき集めた28アイテムの既刊誌も持って行きます。宜しくお願い致します。#コミティア147  

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In anticipation for the new GUP Das Finale coming out soon, I’m gonna be reposting some of my art, maybe some new stuff as well.

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Not too long til GUP Das Finale Part 4

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