669 - Flabébé
Type: Fairy

It draws out and controls the hidden power of flowers. The flower Flabébé holds is most likely part of its body.

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669 - Flabébé
Type: Fairy

It draws out and controls the hidden power of flowers. The flower Flabébé holds is most likely part of its body.

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Flabébé fleur Bleue

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Flabébé fleur Rouge

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Flabébé fleur Blanche

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Flabébé fleur Orange ! ❤️

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Flabébé fleur Jaune

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De sexta generación (Kalos) sería Floette
Flabébé es tierno, Florges no está mal pero no me convence, en cambio no sé que tiene Floette que me fascina su diseño, especialmente su forma flor eterna

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Day 31: Flabébé, A Pokemon that I've never drawn

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Pokémon Tales - The Grumpy Bulba (2 of 3)
A little growth and some friendship (albeit not wanted at first) later one grumpy saur was willing to accept a little help~

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