Sam Henry -Irish folklorist believed were fallen angels. He wrote about a Dunluce mermaid with whom a Rathlin islander fell in love. The mermaid's tail was hidden and the couple married. But the mermaid discovered it and returned to the wild Atlantic

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Happy birthday Jacob Grimm! The elder of the folklorist brothers was born 1785. Read Jack Zipes' essay "The Forgotten Tales of the Brothers Grimm" in which he explores the importance of the neglected 1st edition of their Kinder-und Hausmärchen:

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According to folklorist Wirt Sikes the gwyllion are female fairies of frightful aspect who haunt lonely roads in the Welsh mountains and lead travellers astray. They are more akin to hags or witches.
by Todd Lockwood

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The Wedding, collected by folklorists Iona & Peter Opie, is a counting game using cherry stones, petals, buttons etc to tell fortunes. Sometimes incorporating ‘Tinker Tailor’, it is generally played by girls to foretell fates and futures.

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This evening on the MA Folklore we were discussing experiencing the supernatural in the landscape past and present, including how folklorists can interpret and understand the crop circle phenomenon of the 80s/90s. And how crop circle researchers sought out folkloric evidence.

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Illustrations by Canadian artist Jillian Tamaki for IRISH MYTHS AND LEGENDS by Lady Augusta Gregory (1852-1932), Irish dramatist, folklorist, theatre manager who co-founded the Abbey & Irish Literary Theatres with William Butler Yeats & Edward Martyn

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In yesterday's Folklore Studies MA workshop we 'met' some of the of folklore, from the Brothers Grimm to Iona & Peter Opie. Who would others say are their most important/influential folklorists?

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THE SHADOWY WATERS, 1904. Folklorist & poet W. B. Yeats, wrote of an island of women who cast no shadows & manifest as woman-headed birds, discovered by a ghost ship of undead sailors near the world's end. Yeats read about vampires during his occult phase

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In Ireland, the Aos Sí were also seen at sea in tiny boats. The Folklorist Lady Gregory was told by a fisherman from Galway "The fairies are in the sea as well as on the land. That is well-known by those that are out fishing by the coast" Image: J. A FITZGERALD

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We’re looking forward to a midsummer making session, suitable for families with artist & folklorist exploring fungi folklore -join us to discover its’ special significance at this time of year - fairy ring image by

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Researchers at the universities in Durham and Lisbon believe that the essential story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ dates back over 5,000 years. This prototype of Jack’s beanstalk antics is classified by folklorists as ATU 328 - The Boy Who Stole Ogre’s Treasure.

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current obsession: Russian folklorist painter Viktor Vasnetsov's Christian eschatological work.

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Voilà quelques personnages réalisés pour le jeu, l'alchimiste, la mécaniste ainsi que le folkloriste et le tracé d'un monstre, la Scylla.

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Kay Nielsen's illustrations for East of the Sun, West of the Moon, a collection of icy fairytales rich with noble bears, howling winds & pine forests–gathered by Norwegian folklorists Ambjørnsen & Engebretsen Moe on their journeys across Norway in the 1880s.

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Hi! I'm Fez, a folklorist and illustrator with a liking for swords, plants, and bees ⚔️


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Kay Nielsen's illustrations for East of the Sun, West of the Moon, a collection of old fairytales rich with great bears, magical winds, deep snow and trolls - gathered by Norwegian folklorists Asbjørnsen & Moe on their journeys across Norway in the 1880s.

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Folklorist Helmet 👻

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I'm Fez, a folklorist, illustrator, and author of Folk Magic, Myth, and Healing. Find me at the following:

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Happy birthday Jacob Grimm! The elder of the brotherly folklorist duo was born in Hanau, Germany, 1785:

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