I thought it would be fun to do some Slavic folklore stuff this October if I can muster the energy, so here's a Leshy 🌲

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promps 1: Cicadas, but moths instead!
scribbled it real fast to start keeping up with these😭

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Свій я зламала сама, відступивши і від збірника, і від традиційної туші. Бо - бунд 🤘

не факт що я зроблю всі теми, але пройдусь по них точно

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Folktober Day 2. Nothing brings me down by Emiliana Torrini.

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eu fiz o folktober da em estilo cordel/xilogravura e também fiz um quadrinho sobre como nascem os Lobisomens!

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Para encerrar o Posto aqui o Saci, saindo um pouco do infantil rs
para ver o restante do acessem https://t.co/fck00HbSmT

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Pisadeira is a scary old lady who at steps on people's belly while she watch them suffocate. It is considered one of the demons associated with sleep paralysis.

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15. KÛARASY, from tupi language, means Sun or "origin of this day", being the god of the creation and the sun that gives life to all beings. I'm just not 100% sure he is represented as a human being in the myth.

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11. VITÓRIA - RÉGIA plant origins is said to be about a native girl that felt in love with the moon. When she saw the reflection of the moon in the lake, she dived in and drowned. Jaci, the tupi people Moon God, created the plant in her homage.

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09. CAIPORA is the Guardian of the Animal Life in the forest. The tale have many versions and I interpreted as a woman that rides a wild pig and protect the animals from greedy hunters. 

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08. BOIUNA is a giant snake which many stories, from the origin of rivers in his track as the ones related to the origin of the day and the night.

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07. WEREWOLF is originally from Europe, but was also part of the multi-cultural lore from Brazil. There are many regional variations, The one I learned states that the 8th son of 7 sisters will be the

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06. CABOCLO D'AGUA lurks underwaters and is said to bring luck to some fishers that give him gifts in the water or to turn boats out in the water.

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05. MAPINGUARI is described as a giant cyclops monster in the forest with a mouth in his belly, but there's also a cryptic zoology discussion whether he really existed or is some kind of description of the extinct giant sloths in South America.

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04. LABATUT. Labatut is the interpretation of the general Labatut, described as a monster with elephant fangs, long arms and one eye in the middle of the face.

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03. MANÍ. It’s a Tupi people legend with many versions as oral tradition stands, explaining the origem of the Mandioca. It’s about a girl that was born with skin, eyes and hair When she died, the plant bloomed from her grave.

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