Happy Saturday fam💜 I have news🔥Miss Universe is now available on Fondation. And I'm so glad that she's part of Bright girls of the Metaverse collection👇🏻
Buy now 0.085 Eth


23 51

Derniers jours pour Monter Mitchell à la fondation Louis Vuitton

1 2

Hello Maryam!

It's my girls from collection "Universe inside me"
0.08 - 0.15 ETH on Fondation

1 9


1/1 digital art on Fondation
Reserve 0.1 ETH

We can travel, if we just close our eyes, our imagination draws beautiful pictures. Everyone can fly

0 0

Una delle caratteristiche fondamentali della commedia dell'arte consiste nel fatto, che le opere vengono messe in scena da attori che possono definirsi veri protagonisti


6 13

Il Castello..era silenzioso come sempre, mai K. aveva potuto scorgere lassù il minimo segno di vita..eppure gli occhi lo pretendevano, intolleranti di quella calma..più egli guardava, tanto meno distingueva, e tutto sembrava sprofondare nell'oscurità

7 8


"Listen to your heart"

There are days when it feels like you are wandering in darkness, you have lost your way. Listen to your heart. It will show you the right direction, trust it.

0.08 ETH on Fondation

1 1

Barbarella was an iconic SciFi-movie. Sure, it's cheesy, but it's a cult classic with Jane Fonda ❤️

0 0

L'exposition de la Fondation Louis Vuitton Claude Monet/#JoanMitchell est à voir jusqu'au 27/02/23 Magnifique ! https://t.co/hDcza1VwVz

1 2


"Listen to your heart"
0.08 ETH on Fondation

1 8


"Listen to your heart"
Reserve 0.08 ETH on Fondation

When you're wandering in darkness, when you can't see the way, listen to your heart. It will show you the way, lead you to the bright side. Just trust it.

0 2

Hi dear!


We all have wings, even if we can't see them. There are things that energize us, help us move forward, dream and create! Meditations help me. What helps you "fly"?

0.10 ETH (Reserve)
1/1 digital art on Fondation

1 4

Reserve 0.1 ETH

1/1 digital art on Fondation

Do you have a thing you love that gives you wings and makes you fly?

0 1

"Listen to your heart"
Reserve 0.08 ETH on Fondation

0 2

"La cosa più bella del nostro amore è che esso
cammina sull’acqua e non affonda."
Nizar Qabbani

1 0

Parce que l’écologie et la préservation de l’art et de la cultures jouent un rôle important dans nos vies, nous avons décidés que des NFT seront mis en ventes pour la fondation Dinovox.
Pour que VOX ne se sente pas seul Girly VOX le rejoindra pour lui tenir compagnie.(FanArt)[7/9

2 23


"Symbol of love"
Reserve 0.15 ETH
1/1 digital art on Fondation

0 0

🚨 La Saison 2 de l'anime Spy X Family et le film pourraient sortir en Automne 2023 !

Nakatake Tetsuya (co-fondateur Studio WIT) déclare que les équipes travaillent dur et espèrent pouvoir sortir la saison et le film pour l'Automne.

170 894

Hello friend!
It's my collection "Universe inside me"

1/1 digital arts on Fondation
0-15 - 0.3 ETH

0 0