Dunno if i already posted this but negative fun gang doodles!
(Negative amor created by @/pieroshiki!) https://t.co/U42rzwFD4K

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howa dare you almost block me 😤😤/lh

its ok i know im not funny 😆

i made another design for the fungang deltarune au lol and its hunni as tasque manager :) her bunnies from week 4 would probably be her tasques, hope you like the design

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A great team of 4!, be careful on Fridays, there were some rumors that the Gang can go around on night... but that's just a myth! I think...

Have fun whit them ~ 💜 ❤️ 💚 💙 💛

67 424

it has been done
long ass roadtrip but it's
had too much fun making this, but like, became lazy halfway through the lineart so i apologise deeply, and also apologise for the shitty shading, also gave up halfway doing it,,

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i really wanted to do a terrible fate cover with the fun gang but i cant buy fl studio and i cant use utau because i suck at it
soo i made this little "comic" of them lol. And yeah, i didnt draw their legs because im lazy (untag when reply)

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